Let's find a medical station.
Maybe have Simmons
look at you, too, Coulson.
- That's a bad cut.
- We can worry about it later.
Simmons: Actually, I wouldn't
mind checking everyone out.
We did just experience
an unexplored phenomenon.
Worry about it later.
You look after Mack.
I'll stay here with Daisy.
When she wakes up,
she'll have questions.
When she wakes up,
she's gonna want to kill you.
radiation subsides.
[Switch clicks]
I see you've all brought belongings.
Let's place the nonessentials
in the basement storage facility.
There, you will also find
the latest state-of-the-art
technology that S.
can offer.
We need communications.
- May, why don't you take the tour?
- Got it.
Follow me.
This way.
[Switch clicks]
- See? See?
- Here I am, over here.
May: Fitz, you're with me.
[Switch clicks]
Daisy: You ICE'd me.
Yeah, I was kind of hoping
you'd forget that part.
Sorry to disappoint
It looks the same, but we're
we're home, aren't we?
Did you really think
after everything we've
been through, you and me,
that there was any universe
in which I left you behind?
- Even with all of the risks that
- Don't care.
I need you here.
This S.
will make you think
that the 1980s got here a bit early.
[Switch clicks]
Not really a "dream
come true" scenario.
There's stuff here we can use
with some adjustments.
[Switch clicks]
Now, don't stand there gawking.
Please follow me
into the next room
to deposit your valuables
in the provided lock boxes.
And you in the back, try to keep up.
[Switch clicks]
What is it?
That's quite unsettling.
- Where did they come from?
- Unknown.
Perhaps I should
not have startled you.
I'm Noah.
I'm a sentient Chronicom
from a planet
which revolves around a star
in the constellation
- Cygnus.
- Got it.
- You're a Chronicom?
- I am.
- Did you know Enoch?
- I did.
He is the one who alerted me
to the presence of this place.
I'm glad to see you made your
return journey safely, Agent Fitz.
Why are you here?
Why are they here?
This bunker was built
with extensive fallout shielding.
Ergo, a secure place
to store unsafe items.
These Monoliths
are more than unsafe.
No one should get
anywhere near them.
The other deciding factor.
Everyone who knows about this
bunker is now inside of it.
So the world is protected
from these Monoliths,
and they are protected
from the outside world.
So the outside world up there
is still safe
normal and all that?
For now, though we are
watching very closely.
Follow me upstairs.
I'll show you.
Here, we can monitor any unusual
activity anywhere on Earth.
We Chronicoms monitor the line
between the world
and a stranger world.
Yeah, you monitor it
and do nothing about it.
Yes, we observe without
interfering, unless there is
- An extinction-level event.
- Extinction-level event.
- Yeah, we got it.
- Yes, we know that story.
What are you observing now?
Noah: Various potential threats.
You'd be surprised how frequently
is mentioned.
We have a small but active fan base.
[Tablet beeps]
There are several events of note.
A well-known politician
attempting to delete his FBI files.
- An Asgardian spotted in the city.
- What's this one?
- Potential alien contact.
- Why?
Does this event
mean something to you?
I think it does.
- Coulson: A light from the sky.
- Figured you'd be interested.
This is what Voss warned me about.
If he's right, then this
is where it all starts
- hell on Earth.
- Mack: And we're back.
How long since it first appeared?
It showed up a few weeks ago,
then appeared intermittently
for some time after.
- You think it's alien?
- The wavelength is unusual.
Simmons: Showed up where?
Where was this?
Louis, Missouri.
Well, guess we're going
to St.
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