A drink? And again, no.
Come on.
I promise you'll have a good time.
So who's first? Oh! Aah! Ohh! How about I do you a favor and not tell anyone that a tiny, little Asian woman kicked your ass? Are you not tired yet? Because that was sort of my strategy.
Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Is somebody gonna call it? What's the point? He's not breathing.
You know, my agency exists because yours imploded.
But we came back, albeit with less real estate and a lower profile.
The low profile's the problem.
No one knows you exist, but bizarre events keep happening.
And people need to feel safe.
So all these APBs on alien threats those are to help people feel safe? Look, the truth is, you don't understand what you're dealing with.
And you do? Which is why I'm asking you to let my team bring Lincoln in.
If we take him, it'll be easy.
If you do it, people could get hurt.
That might be the case, but I'm sorry.
I can't agree to that.
Coast is clear.
It's me.
You're having a hell of a day.
I, um I killed him.
John, um, he saved my life more than once.
And now, I couldn't bring him back.
Everything they're saying about me is true.
He's extremely dangerous.
He won't be if he's in our custody.
We're not gonna harvest him for parts, if that's what you're worried about.
We're not Hydra.
You say that now.
What's so important about him? Are you serious? He can bring down a plane.
Feels like a man worth talking to.
I have another theory.
The president makes a big speech about this new organization he's put in place.
I imagine that puts a lot of pressure on you pressure to show results.
You're not wrong.
And that's why I'm taking him in.
But why are we here, Phil? Are we waiting to watch the sunset together? 'Cause if you didn't come here to make a deal, then what do you want? You have an ace up your sleeve, and I'm tired of waiting for you to play it.
Is that so? You have surveillance from the hospital, which means there's another picture you chose not to put on TV.
A pretty face with no name, no birth record, no social attached to it.
She's one of them.
And she works for you, right? What do I need to do to keep this quiet? You know what I want.
Fine, they're right you're dangerous.
I'm dangerous.
That's not who you are.
You You're wrong.
- I know the real you, Lincoln, and you - You don't.
The man who killed his only friend, who had to be saved from himself over and over? That's the real me.
That's who I really am.
Not when I met you.
You gave me hope, a place in the world.
Look what happened to it.
You know better than anyone, if if everything around you crumbles, then you're the cause.
Stop! You don't see it, but I do.
You you help people because you were meant to.
You can do that with us, like you were doing at the hospital saving lives.
That part of my life is over.
No, you you are not cursed.
You are not some horrible thing.
I know Because you taught me that I wasn't.
You convinced me that I had a purpose, that maybe my life wasn't over, but just getting somewhere.
Please let me do the same for you.
You're wasting your time caring about me.
I can't help it.
I'll go in with you.
I'm not agreeing to work with S.
, but with you.
We'll figure it out together.
Is the, um, escape module on its way? Change of plans.
Coulson's orders.
We're turning him over to the ATCU.
Get Coulson on the phone.
He said he'd explain back at headquarters.
Daisy, what's happening? But Coulson told me to let you know that you're gonna be safe.
He's arranged for us to observe and make sure Can we get on with this? This is crazy! He said he didn't have a choice.
Take him into custody.
Suspect's on the move.
Seal off the street.
Awaiting orders.
- Should we go after him? - No.
Bird in the hand.
We take her.
What the hell do you think you're doing? Following orders.
Do you really think you can stop me? Do you have any idea what I can do? Yeah.
That's why I have three snipers outside, ready to engage.
What's the range on these powers of yours? How good are they? I'd say, pretty damn good.
Tell your men to stand down.
I can't do that.
He got away, and I've made assurances.
I assure you that if you insist on taking my agent in, you will start a war.
I will devote all the resources and manpower of S.
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