What is going on? They'll be here any minute.
Who did you call? I called the hotline.
They said that you're dangerous.
Lincoln, they said that you killed people.
I never killed anyone I swear.
You said you know what type of man I am.
I don't even know what you are.
They say you're an alien.
It's not at all what you think.
You just stay there.
Stay there! I'm not kidding! Stay there.
They're gonna be here any minute.
I'm gonna leave the money and take the car.
You don't need to be involved.
Just stay back! Get out of my way! Sorry I brought you into this.
No, no, no, no.
No, John.
Come on, John! You're really okay? I think so.
I'm Well, it's just that there's some of it that's hard to talk about, and, um I am so sorry.
Take it.
- Daisy? - Lincoln, I am so sorry.
I I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I Don't worry about that now.
What's wrong? I need help.
He's not here.
Lincoln's hiding.
He's waiting for us.
We need to bring him in, preferably without the ATCU knowing.
Even though he just killed a guy.
I told you it was an accident.
We'll figure it out once we get him in here.
It'd be safer if Mack handled the extraction.
I know, but then he won't come.
It's got to be me.
Your call.
And where are you going? To the beach.
I'd give anything to be in the field.
Rehab is the antithesis of exciting I'm well-aware, but it's worth it.
You notice I was able to say "antithesis.
" You check on Simmons? Yeah.
She's kind of Distant.
I'm not sure that I know how to help her.
What did you drill into my head when I started rehabbing my knee? - Patience.
- Exactly.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
It's just the lab she loved that lab, designed it according to her specifications.
Now it's Could be it reminds her of the way things were and all the time she lost.
I didn't think of that.
Maybe forget about the things that used to matter to her.
Give her something to look forward to.
Start fresh.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Got to say, I was pretty surprised when I got your call.
Eyes up here.
I appreciate you taking the time.
Gave me an excuse to drive up the coast.
Does she have a name? I love my car, but it's just a car.
And it's a him.
You know, last time we met, you, uh, disarmed me with your evasive tactics.
I see what you did there.
No, I got to hand it to you.
Makes me wonder what else you got up your sleeve.
No, really, I get it.
Hard to resist.
I assume I'm not the first.
I think you are.
It's fairly recent.
That can't be easy.
That's not what we came here to discuss.
You're going about this all wrong.
Panicking the public not wise.
Keep doing that, things are gonna get ugly real fast.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Back off! He's done! We got a winner! All right, he's done.
Get him out of here! Next man up.
Let's go! - Come on! - Get him out of here! Is he breathing? Whoo! There.
Are you good? I'm not the one who needs to be good.
Richy's here.
We can get started.
Who's the unlucky sod, then? What the hell are you doing? Shutting your stupid face up once and for all.
In position.
Are you having a laugh? I thought we were mates.
You thought wrong, you mug.
All right.
Oh, is there any rules I should know about before we start? Nope.
I thought we was having a laugh.
I wasn't laughing.
Not even on the inside? Hey.
Let me get you a drink.
I'm not thirsty.
Let's try that again.
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