First we drink, then we talk business.
Hey! Three pints.
Right, 'cause you guys aren't hard enough to understand as it is.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yeah, you're right.
I did, didn't I? And, man, classic road trip.
All right.
He's a muppet.
But if we don't start talking shop soon, he's gonna pass out, so You have something to unload? Weapons next gen, high potential damage.
We need buyers with deep pockets and bad intentions.
A finder's fee for you, of course.
I know people but they have massive trust issues.
What do they want a letter of recommendation? Me vouching won't be enough.
Well, what is? Do I buy my way in? No.
You fight your way in.
If you are the last man standing, you'll get a meeting.
Sounds like a laugh.
The suspect is considered dangerous.
And is wanted by both federal authorities and the ATCU.
This just went from bad to really really bad.
They've gone public.
If you do see this man, do not engage.
Well, it looks like another wet one, folks.
Possible thunderstorms over the next few hours.
In other news, a suspect has been identified in the Cincinnati hospital alien terrorist attack that left three dead, many more injured.
If you have any information about the man pictured here, be sure to contact the authorities.
Hey! You're him.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I saw you.
I know what you are.
You have no idea.
Oh, my god! Daisy, I need you to monitor all law enforcement near Lincoln's last known location.
How about we take a team, go look for ourselves? No, the ATCU's on a witch hunt for powered people.
I'm not afraid of them.
No, but they're terrified of you, which makes them dangerous.
Till we know where he is, you're not going out there.
- Permission to speak freely.
- Do I have a choice? I could have talked him in if you didn't put an unsolicited tracker under his skin.
- If you didn't call to alert him, then we - Why wasn't I told? We thought you were a little close to the situation.
Of course I'm close to the situation.
You asked me to assemble a team, and I accepted.
I didn't expect to be undermined and Do you know what I didn't expect? A global outbreak.
The ATCU, their inhuman manhunt I didn't see all that coming, to be honest.
I wanted to assemble a team, to get ahead of the problem, but that didn't happen.
So, Daisy I'll scan law-enforcement channels.
Thank you.
Mack, you were able to identify Rosalind Price's photo.
- Mm-hmm.
- How about getting me her digits? You got it.
Still acclimating to less gravity.
Well, now, this is a sight for sore eyes.
Thought it would be good to get back in the lab, see the old workspace.
Is that it? It was the portal.
Now it's a pile of space rocks.
I've run a complete and exhaustive set of diagnostics, so I can assure you there's no need to worry.
You okay? - Fine.
- Just a sec.
It's Hunter.
He's on a Ward hunt.
Say "hi.
" You know it.
Hey, look.
Just as you left it made sure not even a post-it note was moved, 'cause I know how particular you can be about it.
What is it? Um, I'm just I'm not accustomed to this many distractions.
Yeah, well, I imagine you must have had quite a lot to take in extraterrestrial materials and specimens to examine.
My curiosity faded once fear set in.
Yeah, no, of course.
Uh, I have to admit it's all a bit much.
- Would you mind? - Uh, yeah.
What should I get Bobbi? No.
Um, it's just a little disorientation, attributable to oxidative stress.
Okay, yeah, I'll take you back to your room.
I hope you're not too disappointed.
No, on the contrary, you're self-diagnosing, which is a sign you're on the mend.
And how is she now? As weirded out as you'd be after being stranded for months - in another solar system.
- Oh, I must say H.
sounds a lot more fun than what we're up to.
Now, why don't I believe you? And why do you sound hung over? Because I am hung over.
There's nothing to do here but drink.
Planes, trains, and automobiles, chasing down leads still no sign of Ward.
So, you're not doing anything stupid? Mm, not yet.
But one of those trains is about to leave the station, and I need to get on it.
Well, good luck.
Don't die.
Only thing I'll die of is boredom.
You lied to her.
Besides, she knows I'm lying, so it's not even really a lie.
Works for us for now.
You know how complicated these things can be affairs of the heart, especially in our line of work.
Me and Bob.
You and Andrew.
So, you trust Spud? "Trust's" a strong word for a psychopath.
He's a murderous thief who I once saw bite a man's nose clean off.
But he'll get us through the door.
You'll find this funny.
Back at H.
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