There was no backup, was there? This is Tango Romeo Delta.
Tell Gonzales we have his package.
Aah! Agent Hunter, Agent Peterson.
Call me "Mike.
" Aah! That's quite a handshake you've got.
Thanks for coming on such short notice.
I see you've taken well to the upgrades.
No complaints here.
You want me to get this bird in the air? At some point, you might have mentioned that backup was a lethal cyborg.
Truthfully, I just wanted to see the look on your face when he showed up priceless.
Glad I amuse you.
You know, I can hear you up here.
It's confirmed.
Coulson has another powered person working with him, and guess who else.
If they get to Skye, this is gonna get way out of hand.
They've got one last bargaining chip left.
Bring me the bus and Agent May.
Well, it's not pizza, but at least it's not kale, which seems to be the only food they serve around here.
Can you warm up food with your powers? Because that would be awesome.
I have never tried, but I did warm up a small pool once.
Any 5-year-old can warm up a pool.
What about you? Come on.
I showed you mine.
Now you show me yours.
And you'll teach me to control it? Once I know what we're dealing with, a guide will be selected to help you master it.
How long does it take to learn? That depends on the gift how much you've physically changed.
You're a piece of cake, compared to the other one total physical transformation, and we still have no idea what her gift is.
You told me I was the only one.
What? You said that I was the first person to transition here in a really long time.
That's not what I meant.
She's here.
You lied to me.
I said there's no one here who will harm you, and that's true.
She's on her own path, Skye, just like you.
She's having a rough transition and deserves the same care.
People died because of her.
- Where is she? - Skye.
We need to protect her, the same way we protect you.
She is one of us.
I am not what she is.
Get out of my way, Lincoln.
You know I can't control this.
Raina! Skye, isn't this interesting? I had a feeling I might see you.
Skye, please, let's just go.
Let her stay.
We have so much to talk about.
What happened to you? Destiny Apparently.
I wanted to be set free, but now I can't even bear the light of day.
I dread being awake, but my sleep is filled with such horrible nightmares.
Children are so afraid of monsters.
They should know it's worse to be one.
You got what you deserved.
And so did you.
I didn't deserve any of this.
- You did this to me! - Skye.
No, you have brought nothing but pain into my life my father, the mist.
My friend trip died in there because of you! I didn't make you follow me into that chamber.
You wanted to go.
You needed to go because we're the same, Skye.
We were the same before, and we're the same now.
I am on the outside what you are on the inside.
- No! - Skye! So that's what you are.
You need to stop.
No! Finish this! End my nightmares! Enough! Who are you? My name is Jiaying.
You're both guests in my house.
You don't know her.
You have no idea what she's capable of.
She's capable of beauty and greatness, just as we all are.
She can't be trusted.
She killed people! From what Gordon tells me, you could have, as well.
And from what I just saw, you're certainly capable of it.
Why would you bring her here? The same reason we brought you here she's one of us.
I am not anything like her.
Whatever you two were in the past, that's not what you are now.
I can't stay not if she's here.
We'll leave that choice to you, but I have chosen to be your guide, should you remain with us.
All I ask is for a few days.
I'll look after you, train you, watch you grow.
And if you don't feel a connection between us worth exploring, well We never have to see each other again.
Let's get you to your room.
I was right, wasn't I? She's here.
I told you I would find her, and I did.
You were right, Cal.
It's Daisy, our daughter.
Thank you.
Can I see her now? No.
This belonged to my father in the second world war.
He used it to kill over a hundred Nazis.
He said it always had a way of finding the right target at the right time.
If you think I'm a traitor, now's your chance to do something about it.
Pick it up.
Pull the trigger.
Let's end this right now.
Or you can hear me out.
It's come to my attention that I'm not handling you properly.
And since I must accept the recommendation of others when I'm outvoted here we stand.
Assuming you decide not to shoot me, I would like to offer you a seat on our board.
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