Are you doing that? When I came out of the mist, every cell in my body had a different electrical charge.
I felt like I was burning from the inside out.
But I learned to manipulate them, concentrate them, even transfer them onto something else, like static electricity.
I can feel it moving through my body.
It's so weird.
It took awhile to get control.
Uh, when I first got here, I almost burned the place down literally.
But now sky's the limit.
No pun intended, I guess.
This is crazy.
Our gifts don't have to be terrifying.
They're a part of us.
I felt lost before I came here, too.
Looking for answers in the all the wrong places.
But we're connected to something bigger and older than than we could have ever imagined, something extraordinary.
Don't walk away from it.
I hate to see you leave, Turbo.
Only my friend Mack can call me that.
I'll always be your friend, Fitz.
Hopefully, someday, you'll understand why I had to do what I did.
If you're here to convince me to open the box, you're wasting No, I'm here because I don't want you to leave, man.
I believe in what we're doing.
I want you on board.
I mean, the damn box is taken care of.
What do you mean, it's taken care of? Well, Simmons, uh, she found a way in using Genetic markers or something.
If she can see we're on the same team, why can't you? She's scanning the surface dimensions and routing the data through Why would she do that, unless It's just a matter of time before she breaks through, and this will all be over.
How much time? About three minutes.
Where are the reinforcements? I don't know.
Stuck in traffic? Are they traveling by clown car? How many are there? Actually, there's one.
One? That's not reinforcements that's a gravedigger.
Well, there's not many agents I can trust right now.
One? Have you lost your bloody mind? What is that? It's a 21st-century howling commandos kit.
Trip and Fitz built it for me.
Hey, do you play cards? I can't believe that worked.
We had the better hand.
How many of us are there? We don't know.
Not every descendant is found, and not everyone who is chooses to come.
- Mm.
- Gordon! I hope we're still on for pizza tonight.
Truthfully, I think that's what sold her.
Not tonight.
I have to see to some pressing matters, but I'm glad you're feeling better, Skye.
I need you to give a message to my friends, let them know I'm okay.
I can ask permission, but they'll advise against it.
It's better we stay quiet for the time being.
Uh Wait.
My father and Raina where did you take them? I can't divulge their location, just as I can't divulge yours.
But you don't need to worry about them.
What does he mean, "ask permission"? - Ask permission from who? - The Elders.
You've made a lot of people afraid, Skye afraid our secret won't be safe for much longer.
Come on.
Where have you been?! After all I've done, this is how you treat me locking me up, feeding me like some animal?! I can't have a a window?! I don't even know what day it is anymore! You're lucky we've kept you alive.
You found her, didn't you? That's why you're here.
You found her, and she's here.
Uh, I forgive you.
You must have had your reasons.
Now take me to my Daisy.
You will not! I want my daughter! Don't you leave me! No! Where are you?! Huh? Ohh.
This is silly.
You clearly have an unfair advantage, and we clearly don't see eye to eye.
So let's just just take a moment and Aah! Aah! Aah.
Why? Why can't I see her? Because you have no self-control.
Your lack of discipline has risked everything that we have built.
You have not only sealed your fate, but the fate of your daughter, as well.
This would have been a piece of cake if you'd let us use these big-boy guns.
Now we have to get close enough to get shot by their big-boy guns.
By the time they recognize us, it'll be too late.
Then there's the small matter of who's gonna fly that thing do you even know how? I've watched may fly.
- I know a little.
- How little? I can get us off the ground.
You do know there's more to it than that like, getting us back on the ground, for example? Now we just walk right up and Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air.
We have you surrounded.
We're not surrounded.
Don't move Your hands up now.
Didn't see that coming.
How's it going? Uh, well, I'm making progress, but it's going to take some time.
There are microscopic pores in the vibranium that I believe are calibrated to Coulson's DNA.
It's constantly shifting like a Rubik's cube.
But if I can isolate them, then there's I saw everything, Jemma.
Did you really want me to find out this way? Well well, I was hoping you would so that we can work together on this.
Do you have any idea how valuable the information inside this could be? You need to help me get it out, get things back to normal.
Things can never go back to normal.
Can't you see that? Can't any of you see what you've done? You've destroyed a man's life, and for what? Fitz, put it down right now.
'Cause of fear 'cause of fear of what's inside a little black box.
Well, I don't believe in fear.
I believe in trust, and I'm shocked that you would do this.
You knew this would drive me away.
You may as well have packed my bags yourself.
You want me to leave, don't you, Jemma? If we work for S.
, we have a duty to carry out our responsibilities.
So perhaps it's best if you do.
Brilliant plan.
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