You've been looking at it all wrong.
It's not a tech solution it's a lab solution.
Well, this is yours for as long as you want.
Gordon brought your bag from the cabin, so, you know, take some time, try to relax.
Relax? This will be like my fourth bed in the past week, and I've been locked up, quarantined, psychoanalyzed.
Let me guess.
To protect you from yourself.
The inhibitors these released seriously compromised the transition process.
It's one of the reasons, uh, you were out for so long.
My friend she was just trying to help.
I mean, she thought she was dealing with human biology, but you graduated from that class.
I'm gonna take a closer look at these.
Uh, meanwhile, try to get some rest.
Tomorrow, maybe we'll see what gift you've been given.
It's more like a curse.
A lot of us feel that way at first, but you'll learn to control it.
I don't want to control it I want to get rid of it.
That's why I called Gordon.
I thought that he'd be able to fix me.
I'm sorry.
I-I thought you knew.
The transition is irreversible.
You'll feel better in a few days trust me.
At least, hang here until things calm down on the outside.
See what happens.
Plus, it's, uh, pizza night tomorrow night.
Deep dish Gordon brings them in from Chicago.
Uh, you can't miss it.
Nice to see his gifts aren't being wasted.
Seriously, rest.
I'll see you in the morning.
What's happening? S.
's here.
- Ours or theirs? - Theirs.
Damn it.
How did they find us? I invited them.
Why did you trigger the alarm? Are you surrendering? Last time I checked, there were two of us, which means two votes.
- We're not surrendering.
- What, then? You want to go out guns blazing, like Butch and Sundance? That didn't end so well.
I was thinking about what you said last night, about bad options.
I meant have another drink.
I'm not going down without a fight.
We're gonna find Skye and I'm gonna take back S.
, and we're gonna need more than honest Eddie's jeep to do it.
You want to take their quinjet the two us, while we're trapped in here, surrounded? - Brilliant.
- I have reinforcements on the way.
We just have to hold down the fort until they get here.
Yeah, well, I have reinforcements of my own.
Icers only.
Oh, you can't be serious.
Those are S.
agents out there.
We're not gonna hurt them.
I somehow doubt they feel the same about us.
It won't come to that.
It may not look like it, but this place was built to withstand a hulk-size force.
On the other hand, let's just hope they didn't bring a Battering RAM, 'cause then we've only got about an hour.
Confirmed, sir Coulson is inside.
It'll take some time to break through that door, but he's not going anywhere.
Let me know when it's done.
Yes sir.
Any more good news? Agent Simmons may be on board, but I came to talk to you about Agent May.
- I think your approach - It's irrelevant.
We got Coulson at the safe house where we found Skye.
He triggered the alarm.
That wasn't an accident.
Coulson's too smart for that.
He sent for us.
The question is why.
Where are we going? You'll see.
What's over there? Oh, another transition room.
We don't use it anymore.
Come on.
Keep up.
This is it best view in the house.
It's beautiful.
Good place to clear your head, figure things out, smoke a little something.
But today, we're here to figure out you.
Tell me about your gift.
Is that why you brought me up here? Yeah, so you can let loose.
Whatever it is, you don't have to be afraid of it.
We were designed to be weapons.
I got that directly from the big blue source.
Take my hand.
I know it's so awkward, but you strike me as someone who's generally more curious than afraid.
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