I'm brought here when I'm needed.
Some people come here when they need a safe place to stay.
Why do I feel like the new kid in school right now? Everyone is staring at me.
Gordon didn't explain? No, I thought you said that everyone here is like me and that this happens all the Time.
Are you kidding? T- this has never happened.
Things here have always been done a certain way.
These people are descendants, yes, but most of them are waiting to be chosen.
They carry the genetic marker and have been brought here to be evaluated, cultured, and prepared for the change should they be selected, but that only happens to one person every few years.
They actually want to go through? This tradition has been passed down through countless generations.
And I jumped the line.
And not only did you go through without permission or prep, but you did it old-school, with a diviner in a kree temple.
Uh, that hasn't happened for thousands of years.
You can see why some of these people might be a little envious.
I'd gladly change places with any of them.
I didn't want this.
I understand.
Uh, the woman who changed with me, Raina Gordon took her and my father.
Are they here? Gordon takes people everywhere.
It's his job to keep us safe.
I promise, there is no one here who will harm you.
You're protected.
Is it true that Fury asked you to spy on Coulson because of these GH-325 transfusions? Is it also true that Coulson himself asked you to put a bullet in his head because of it? That's the man that you helped escape, a man that Fury didn't trust, a man that you yourself didn't trust, a man that didn't even trust himself.
There's loyalty, and there's stubbornness.
Tell me, Agent May Are you loyal to Coulson or to S.
? They're the same.
Coulson's powered pet tried to kill seven of our agents Dedicated S.
agents with families, and you're gonna say that they're the same? Coulson had nothing to do with Skye's powers.
They were caused by a weapon in Hydra's possession.
That you were chasing because of some voices in Coulson's head.
We were pursuing Hydra because that's our job.
It's what we should all be doing right now instead of wasting our time on some witch hunt! What are you doing in here by yourself? There's too much bad blood out there.
They think we're traitors.
How you holding up? Uh We always knew this wasn't gonna end in a big group hug.
Coulson's a good man, Mack.
He's a good man who's been compromised.
Coulson should be in the index with Agent Skye.
You of all people know what happens when powered people lose control.
You had to put one down.
Isn't that why they call you the Calvary? So you want to put down Coulson and Skye? I want to avoid it.
His actions are leading us to a deadly showdown.
Help me find him, and we'll stop it.
Don't worry.
When he's ready, he'll find you.
Coulson is the one man You can never put down.
You always travel with whiskey and shot glasses? Never know when you're gonna need something to keep you warm on a cold night.
- Two glasses? - The other one's for the person keeping me warm.
But in your case, I'll make an exception.
I need to keep my head clear.
and Skye gone in one day how could I let that happen? There's no way you could have known.
They fooled all of us.
Bobbi and Mack are conniving liars and thieves.
And the next time I see either of them They're good agents.
Try to see it from their side.
Screw their side.
There are very few people in this world that I'd throw down with, but you're one of them.
Gonzales, the "Love Boat" Captain? Not if hell froze over.
He's a brilliant tactician who's dedicated his life to S.
I ran into him a couple of times at the Triskelion.
He's not a bad guy.
Good guys don't usually stab you in the back.
Maybe he's got a point.
I was dead, after all.
I shouldn't even be here.
We all have our bad days.
Well, maybe we should forget all this, head down to Mexico.
We can lay low, enjoy the quiet life.
That's not an option.
The problem is, there are no good options.
Well, maybe it's time for the bad ones.
Are you really going to let Fitz just walk out of here? He's already cleared and free to go.
What about you? Are you staying? I keep hoping this will all be resolved and things can get back to normal.
The fastest way to make that happen is to help us open that box.
Aren't you curious what's inside? Of course I am, but not enough to betray Coulson.
If he isn't hiding something, then opening it will prove that.
If he is Don't you think we should know? Once it's opened, you'll all leave? Once we know we're all on the same side.
But we need Fitz to get it open.
Not really.
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