"Shines a light.
" That's no explanation.
It was forged from a rare metal and reacts to whoever is holding it.
Or interacts.
I went to such great lengths to make sure that the staff wasn't found.
Unfortunately, since the myth was written down, people have been searching for it for centuries.
I need your help to stop them before they get the last piece of your staff.
Oh, I am a pacifist now.
And you don't want to risk your identity being discovered.
Listen, I wouldn't worry too much about these angry youths.
They always calm down, and eventually, they die of old age.
And that is one of the pleasant aspects of life here.
- Everything changes.
- I'll tell you what's gonna change your anonymity unless you help up find the final piece of your staff.
You may not know Thor.
But I do.
My first love on this planet was Ireland.
There was a monastery, and the monks gave me a nice, warm place to sleep, some soup, - and some mulled wine.
- "Near god.
" The effects of the staff are they permanent? The strength wears off.
You will feel exhausted afterwards.
You'll need sleep.
What about the other effects? Oh, that dark, nasty ache in the pit of your stomach, the rage in your chest that makes you feel as if your heart's about to explode? It's worse on humans.
But give it a few decades, and it'll wear off, too.
Are you sure Ward's okay to go into the field? He's not exactly acting like himself.
But he knows it.
He'll be fine.
I'm with Coulson.
Well, it's been a while.
I wonder Ah, yes.
There it is.
Still here.
Well, the nose isn't quite right, but That's you? Yeah.
They venerated me a bit as a saint.
They're idiots.
- Where's the staff? - It's upstairs.
Is that the normal Ward or the new, angrier Ward? I can't tell.
It's quiet.
Why do you think I trusted them with my secret? They take a vow of silence.
But when you get them talking they squeal.
If you want to defeat a god, you must become one.
We need to help him! I'll get her.
- How is he? - I don't know what to do.
He's not human.
He's dying.
We know, but she doesn't understand his anatomy.
- And I'm even w - What in god's name? - Oh, my god.
- Sometimes, you have to just jump in and figure things out.
Now, Asgardians regenerate faster than we do.
Maybe we can keep him alive long enough - For his body to heal itself.
- Okay, what am I looking for? His heart.
Help me! Oh, okay.
I think I got it.
- Heart.
- Oh, yeah.
Can you feel a tear or rupture? Clamp down hard on his heart.
Try to slow the bleeding.
- Grant, drop the staff.
- Get away from me.
- Agent Ward! - This isn't you.
Get back.
Please! Help me! Please! Please! Help me! Please, help me! Grant! Help me! Grant! Please! Help me! Please! Grant! - Not yet, Grant.
- Help me! - But he's gonna - Not yet! Throw him the rope, and I'll throw you in there, too.
Please! Grant! Oh, my god.
Are you okay? Come here.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
This time, let me help.
I am not afraid of you.
Am I dead? Apparently not.
You are easily the most beautiful thing I've seen in a thousand years.
Coulson did that? He just shoved his hand inside? Well, he had to.
I froze, didn't know what to do.
Hey, you didn't freeze.
You just got put in a situation - Maybe I should jump in.
- Yeah.
Hi, Dad.
Yeah, it's great to hear your voice, too.
I've been meaning to call you for a couple of days.
It's been a difficult few weeks.
When you held it, did you see anything? Then how? - How did you hold all three? - Because I see it every day.
I know that look.
You tempted? Now, what is it you want to see? You and I have a lot in common.
We've both been stabbed in the heart.
I was killed.
Well, almost.
I'm hazy on that.
Afterwards it's kind of a blank.
I have no memory of being revived, of being in a hospital.
Just woke up a few months later.
And are you haunted by it, Mr.
Coulson? No.
Not exactly.
Then what's the problem? I suppose you're right.
Can we give you a lift back to the university? Well, you know, with Europe's new fascination with all things Asgardian, I'm wondering if it's time to start over somewhere else.
Nice beach? Life of tropical drinks and massages? Mm, oh, I'd get bored.
You should consider the American Northwest.
Maybe Portland.
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