- How'd they find it? - I have no idea how they found it.
They may have the original texts.
I wasn't involved.
You know, it was just a chance to uncover something that the gods brought down from the heavens.
Aliens brought it.
From space.
I've spent some one-on-one time with aliens before.
Didn't work out too well.
So cases like this are personal to me.
That's all I know.
Get comfortable.
Help me! Please! Help me! Help me! - Ward! - Please! Hey, Ward! You should be more careful.
- I'm fine.
You? - I'm working it out.
You're punching things.
The last thing you need is to punch things.
- You got a better idea? - Let me help you.
The only help I need is to stop those guys before they hurt somebody else.
We are the new order! Our world is being taken by gods! We will become gods and take it back! This is the new order! Are you ready to take back the power? - A moment, sir? - Come on in.
I'm concerned that my exposure to that weapon has compromised my ability to do my job.
- Go on.
- You're familiar with my family history.
So, for obvious reasons, I don't think back to childhood.
There are things I put away a long time ago.
On lockdown.
Because to do this, I have to be focused, tactical.
I can't be distracted.
Especially by things that happened a lifetime ago.
You're saying touching the staff unlocked certain memories.
My worst memory.
The first time I felt hate.
And it won't go away.
I don't trust myself.
The way I went off at Skye and Fitz-Simmons in the lab Grant you telling me this makes me feel I can trust you.
Him, on the other hand I can't get the Professor to talk.
You've got some rage built up.
Maybe it's time to let it out.
You need to start talking.
I told Agent Coulson everything I know.
You're lying.
Tell me what that thing did to me and how fix it.
I swear I don't know.
Okay, then.
You were right.
He's Asgardian.
Good thing.
Otherwise, that would have been awfully embarrassing.
Okay, I have to know.
- How did you figure me out? - Did the math.
One you're not the first Asgardian I've had in custody.
You guys don't flinch or panic in captivity.
Two a Waterfield 44? On a lit Professor's salary? I don't think so.
And lastly, when I tell someone I've had some one-on-one time with an alien, they tend to be a little curious.
Well, you're certainly more observant than most, Agent Coulson.
So, you're the Asgardian warrior who stayed.
Please don't tell anyone.
I had no clue.
Did you? Hidden in plain sight an actual Asgardian.
How long do you suppose he's been on our planet? A thousand years.
Maybe more.
If we could just cut him open a little bit, get some tissue samples, maybe some bodily fluids, - we could find out.
- Or we could just ask him, weirdo.
This is way, way better than the History channel.
I mean, this guy has lived through all the scary stuff the crusades, the black death, disco.
What are you doing? Sealing the interrogation-room door.
Coulson's orders.
Ah, locking me in.
Well, I've been in tighter spots.
This room is made of a silicon carbide-coated Vibranium alloy.
Meant for prisoners like yourself.
But you're in here, too.
And eventually, somebody will open that door.
Not if I tell them not to.
So, the myth is your autobiography.
I didn't write it.
I didn't want anyone to know about me.
Then I had to open my big mouth.
Were you captured? Tortured? Horny.
I met a French girl in 1546.
Ah, she loved stories.
So I told her a great one, all about the peaceful Asgardian warrior who stayed.
Now, how was I to know her brother the priest would write it all down and turn it into, I don't know, a thing? Do you know Thor? Oh, sure, I spent all my days palling around with the future King of Asgard.
No, I don't know Thor.
I was a mason.
I broke rocks.
For thousands of years.
If you can imagine that.
So when they came, asking for people to fight, yes, of course I signed up.
I think, really, I just wanted to travel.
- But you had the staff.
- I hated that thing.
Other guys loved all the power that comes with the rage.
No, I didn't like it at all.
- And you don't, either, it seems.
- What did it do to me? It shines a light into your dark places.
Doesn't matter if you're human, Asgardian.
The effect is the same unpleasant.
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