People suck, sir.
That's your progress? "People suck"? These people do.
And there's also chatter about going underground.
- Could mean going incognito or - Or searching for the next piece.
Randolph said to check Viking routes.
Find any others? There's some sites along the Volga river in Russia, - some in Kiev, and weirdly, here.
- In Seville, Spain? It's a long shot, but Vikings sacked Seville twice.
We found one promising location with Viking relics El Divino Niño.
A church built on the ruins of an 8th-century crypt - built on Roman ruins from 206 B.
- East of a river.
And lots of bones.
Let's see what we can dig up.
See what I did there? Must be nice have a mandatory nap time.
Siesta isn't mandatory.
Just very pleasant.
How you doing, Agent Ward? Wishing I was shorter.
Nothing yet.
All my readings are normal.
What about you, Skye? Any luck? I'm lucky my S.
volunteered to take the super-creepy hallway instead of the slightly less-creepy dungeon-room place.
I got nothing.
Sorry nada.
Ward, your spectrograph is reading something near you.
- I don't see anything.
- Well, it's right in front of you.
Oh, wait.
Uh, okay, hold on.
It's moving.
- Visual contact.
- Okay Ward, turn left.
I have a wonderful explanation.
Ran into some unexpected com - Ward, what's happening? - His device just went down.
- Skye, can you get - Already on it.
Are you all right? Hey, hey, hey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Grant, calm down.
Calm down, please.
Calm down.
The staff he has it.
Something's wrong with Ward.
The staff's gone.
Someone took it.
I have one, too.
He can't just disappear.
He'll have to turn up some where.
There we go.
A block South of the church.
- Professor.
- I screwed up.
- This is ridiculous.
- It's anything but.
Ward, you passed out.
And you were acting not right.
Coulson ordered me to give you a full work-up, and that's exactly what I'm doing.
Um, before you lost consciousness, were you feeling claustrophobic? - Why? - She's ruling out a panic attack.
- I don't panic.
- There we go.
Ruled out.
- Touching the staff caused it, right? - Any residual effects? Are you exhibiting any extra s-strength? Why don't I find out on that guy? Why don't we not do that? What's the last thing you remember before you lost consciousness? - This is a waste of time.
- Um.
- We need to find the staff.
- What exactly do you remember? Something I hadn't thought about in a long time.
- Why don't we leave it alone? - Well, I mean, he just pulled his arm out of this Quiet! I want to hear this.
One of my men is hurt.
The staff is gone.
- I didn't want any of that to happen.
- What did you want? - The staff's power for yourself? - Nothing like that.
You know, I just wanted to be the first to study it, to prove that the Berserkers were actually here, a part of history.
- You think about that.
- Oh, I'm thinking about it.
What are you doing? Your heart rate's rising.
Adrenaline's spiking.
You need to calm down, not get worked up.
The memory was it about your brother? Drop it.
Ward, if you need to get it out, I am here Right.
To talk.
Because that's what you do talk and talk.
Don't you ever get tired of hearing your own voice? - Ward, stop.
- Well! This makes more sense.
Ward, what you're experiencing, this feeling - it's chemistry.
- Hope so.
Yeah, spikes in his adrenocorticotropic hormone.
It's like those stories you hear when a mother is able to lift a car to save her baby.
An adrenaline surge can create a massive Stop talking! Just fix it! I wish I could.
We can relieve some of the symptoms.
I'm going to give you Chill pill.
Good idea.
A sedative? Not gonna happen.
Yeah, well, be reasonable.
Look how you're behaving.
And if I'm sedated and we cross paths with those juiced freaks, the ones who flip cars and smash people up, are you gonna take them on? Keep us safe? Or am I gonna have to save Simmons' ass again? That was just a biochemical reaction.
He didn't mean all that.
- No, I know.
- No explanation necessary.
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