Jakob Nystrom, 30.
Girlfriend, Petra Larsen.
Leaders of a Norse Paganist hate group.
And their numbers are growing, thanks to what happened in Greenwich and thanks to the internet.
Yay, internet, she said sarcastically.
Norse Paganist? Obsessed with anything derived from Norse mythology - stories of Asgard.
- And now a weapon.
The scan only accounted for one side.
Too much damage to the tree for complete reproduction.
But see here it's clearly broken on both ends.
- So there are more pieces? - Yeah.
Two at least.
Which means Sid and Nancy may be looking for a complete set.
- And markings? - The Asgardian symbolism.
Hard to translate with our limited knowledge.
You should give your buddy the god of thunder a shout.
He gets his power from his hammer, right? What if this is his nail to the hammer? I already did.
Director Fury told me he's off the grid.
And if he has a cellphone, we don't have the number.
's investigations are on the trail of Nystrom and his followers.
We're charged with identifying the object and finding any other pieces before they do.
They seem to have some advantage.
They found this thing in 150 square kilometers of Norwegian forest.
What if it called to them with magic? Called to them.
We know it's Asgardian, so the rules are a little bendy here.
Just because we don't understand something yet doesn't mean we should regress back to the dark ages, talking of magic and fairy tales.
Actually, that's exactly what we're going to do.
- Excuse me? - Really? When we first found the hammer in New Mexico, I consulted one of the world's leading experts on Norse mythology Elliot Randolph, a Professor at a university in Seville.
We'll leave immediately.
Maybe he can tell us more about these markings.
Well, one must adapt, Elena.
Recent events have thrown us all for a loop.
I thought I was teaching Norse mythology.
No, turns out I'm a history Professor.
So, you're not going to change my grade? No.
I will give you a week to rewrite it.
I think, in general, little more history, less lit crit.
But I do hope we're still on for dinner tonight.
I've included a list of books there that might help you.
I'll see you later.
Oh! - Professor Randolph.
- Agent Coulson.
Come in, come in.
Waterfield 44.
mother-of-pearl inlay.
That's quite an eye you've got.
I didn't know you were a collector.
On a government salary, not quite.
Well, I'm assuming you found something on the ground in London.
In a tree in Norway.
And, unfortunately, we weren't the ones who found it.
It's a 3-D model.
Oh, that is amazing.
Now, based on these runes, I'd say I'm looking at a piece of the Berserker staff.
Let's have a look.
Yeah, the myth dates back to the late 12th century.
It's all about a powerful warrior from Asgard.
A soldier in the Berserker army.
- Berserker army? - Oh, yeah.
A powerful army.
Fierce army it was.
Berserkers battled like raging beasts, destroying everything in their path.
A single Berserker had the strength of 20 warriors.
So whoever wielded the staff got superhuman strength? Fighting with it put the warrior into a state of uncontrollable rage.
The staff contained a very powerful magic.
Or a scientific attribute we've yet to discover.
Analytically minded and pretty as a peach.
- The warrior in the story? - Well, in the story, he came to Earth to fight, but he ended up falling in love.
- With whom? - With life on Earth.
He fell so much in love that when his army returned to Asgard, he stayed behind.
What happened to the staff? Well, he didn't want its dark magic falling into the wrong hands, so he broke it into three pieces and hid each one in a different location.
The manuscript wouldn't happen to say where he hid them, would it? Actually, it does.
In three verses.
Now, let's all bear in mind these are poetic abstracts from long-lost ancient texts.
So, there is one about a tree, which they've found, it seems.
Another is, "East of the river, sun overhead, buried in Earth with the bones of the dead.
" That's a bit macabre, isn't it? There's another here.
Well, this one doesn't even have a rhyme.
But the gist of it is "close to god.
" That could be anything, then.
It could also mean nothing.
I was hoping for less metaphor, more longitude and latitude.
Well, I mean, it does stand to reason to search near Viking raid routes, doesn't it? Now, there have been some recent interesting findings of Norse relics on Baffin island off the coast of Canada.
Yeah, virtual treasure trove of new artifacts.
We'll start there, then.
Thank you, Professor.
Did you know there's mount Thor on Baffin island? - I did not.
- Do you know what's not on mount Thor? Anything Asgardian at all.
Our agents on the ground haven't found a thing.
What about you? Nystrom's deep-web message boards are just abuzz with psychos.
They believe they're gonna ascend to be the gods of destruction and death.
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