Fifth is listed as maintenance but uses half the building's energy.
Either they're guarding the world's largest vacuum Or that's where Chan's being held.
Send your "B" and "C" teams in through the tunnels to secure the lower floors.
Warn them that the Centipede serum's highly explosive.
Where do we go in? [whirring] The roof.
Heat signature confirmed.
I love these things.
[beeps] [grunting] Agent Kwan it's you.
We're here to get you out.
[monitor beeping] [alarm blaring] Strike team needs a security override, stat.
Kwan, can you arrange - Chan, what have you done? - I've set myself free.
Coulson's in trouble.
Aaaah! Mr.
Chan, I know you're in pain.
This is nothing.
You were the ones killing me, forcing me to keep this gift locked up inside.
[speaking Cantonese] So we're good, right? The entire facility's been locked down.
- Are you sure about this? - No.
This is pretty cool.
Skye: The alarms disconnected the system from all exterior servers.
- Can you fix it or not? - Yes, but you've got to get me on-site.
- No way.
- Not a chance.
You're a hacker, Skye, not Seal team 6.
But he is.
Aaah! His file say anything about him being homicidal? Just said he was kind of a tool.
Chan, believe it or not, this can still get worse.
You bend someone long enough, and they break.
Poor little Chan Ho Yin may have believed your lies, - but not Scorch.
- Who? Oh, crap.
They gave him a name.
Get me a clean look.
I'll make sure he wakes up in a S.
containment facility.
Waking is optional at this point.
[shouts in Cantonese] I'm out.
Nothing can stop me! Where are we on the doors? Almost there.
Ohh! S.
has infiltrated the building.
- No, it's under control.
- Didn't want to tell them? Chan's true nature has revealed itself.
Without his platelets, the serum will combust.
Wouldn't be the first one to blow up on you.
I'm beginning to think you're bad luck.
- How long is this gonna take? - Done.
Coulson: Doors are unlocked.
Where's Chan? - He's gone.
- Damn it.
That tranquilizer was his last chance.
You know that.
I know.
It's time to minimize the damage.
Simmons are the building's computers back online? [computer beeps] - Yes.
- Uncuff Miles.
We're gonna need his help.
You!!! [elevator bell dings] I wish you all the best.
[panting] Please, look, we can fix you make you stronger, take the name Scorch and make it mean something.
It already does.
Aah! [screaming] Mr.
Chan, we don't want to hurt you but we have to.
We gotta move! [computer beeping] You need to drive the blast into the main ventilation shaft.
Yeah, and on up to the roof.
[beeping continues] [explosion] Skye managed to extract some files from the building's mainframe.
It's not much, but could get us a fix on Centipede.
You can't save someone from themselves, sir.
You can if you get to them early enough.
You've got two choices take what's in this box, or we put you in a slightly bigger one.
You want to give me a hint? - What's it do? - Whatever we tell it to do.
I'd try to avoid any unlawful activity, and I think you'll find it hard to use electronic devices for a while.
[box closes] - You can go now.
- Cool, but we're still in Hong Kong.
- Yep.
- I live in Austin, Texas.
I know.
Oh, and Agent Kwan's family thanks you for the anonymous donation.
My office.
So, you plan to stay? If they let me.
- You've changed.
- Good.
I mean, you're not who you used to be.
And you're not who I thought you were.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
[footsteps] - Make it a double.
- Is there any other kind? So, I'm going to Coulson's office now.
I figured you might want to be there, being my S.
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