Sure it didn't go through the brain? You really don't do comforting, either, do you? What is your gut telling you now? - That she's still hiding something.
- Sir, we found some evidence.
She's been defending you, saying you're a stand-up guy.
So I'm going to give you a chance.
Do you want to tell her, or should I? - I don't have to listen to you - There goes your chance.
Your boyfriend here made a few deposits in the days following the leak.
All said it's about a million dollars.
What? - Real stand-up guy.
- I can explain Did you sell information? Miles? - Yes or no? Did you?! - Yes, but Ohh! You are so dead.
What the hell were you thinking?! It was a million dollars.
A million dollars.
It would change my life our lives.
And that woman was harmless.
I looked into it.
No one with good intentions pays that kind of money for information! - Did you ever think about that?! - Of course I did.
I would never have done it if I thought - Who is the woman you referred to? - A fan of the Rising Tide, some rich girl in a flower dress.
She knew all about me, said I had a gift.
She thought people like us deserved more.
Oh, you deserve more.
She pointed me to a Chinese S.
feed - wanted me to crack it.
- You thought that was harmless? I checked the data stream.
It didn't seem like anything you and I hadn't already put out there, Skye.
And I traced the account where the money came from to make sure it wasn't some evil corporation.
It was just an eco-research lab.
- Otherwise, I would never - Ecological research? Yeah, insects, some study with centipedes.
What's more harmless than that? [beeping] It appears the volatility in the serum has been neutralized.
I'm surprised you got him to cooperate.
He has dreams.
I told him they'd come true.
[sighs] You gave him a name, didn't you? Everyone wants to be remembered.
Well, thank god no one's gonna have to actually call him that.
You were right.
The platelets in his blood prevent the extremis in the serum from combusting.
That's fantastic.
The others will be pleased.
Good work, Raina.
Now drain him.
[door closes] [sighs] It appears Centipede is responsible for Mr.
Chan's kidnapping.
First L.
, now Hong Kong.
What kind of organization are we dealing with? International, well-financed, interested in creating a super soldier.
Let's hope finding Mr.
Chan will provide some answers.
Using the account information Mr.
Lydon gave us, S.
HQ believes he's being held here.
Any ideas what Centipede wants with Chan? Hard to say, but Simmons thinks that considering he's pyrokinetic There's a good chance his genetics could stabilize the extremis element of the Centipede serum.
- Keep their test subjects from going - Boom! If Mr.
Chan is Centipede's lab rat, we need to get there before the experiment's over.
This is no test.
This is torture.
[whirring] Thank you for your participation.
Our group really owes you one.
I won't let you.
[grunts] [screaming] [gasping] What have you done? We don't understand what gave you this ability, but the reason you don't burn is because your blood platelets are fire-resistant.
Which is why we're removing them.
Take this upstairs.
- Raina, you said I have a gift.
- And you're giving it.
Raina! Raina! [gun cocks] Agent May and I will be handling the field work.
You stay and oversee the prisoners.
Sir? I was Skye's S.
It was my responsibility It was my call to bring Skye onto the plane, and you warned me against it.
My problem I fix it.
I'm sorry.
I honestly didn't know.
All our talks did you mean none of it? I risked everything to help you, and it turns out every word out of your mouth since we met is total crap! - That's not true.
- Democratization of knowledge "the truth will set you free.
" The truth sure as hell came out.
I believe in all those things.
I just don't know why they have to go hand in hand with barely scraping by.
Come on, Skye.
You lived in your van for the last two years.
Now you're making fun of my van? I could have funded us for years us.
So you wouldn't have to sacrifice your principles, joining this corrupt institution to find what you're looking for.
And what's wrong with me trying to do that? I'll tell you what's wrong with that an innocent guy might die for money.
You know I'd never intentionally hurt anyone.
I'm just trying to get my life together.
At least you know what you're looking for.
Me I don't have that.
For a long time, I thought it was you.
- I guess I was wrong.
- I guess so.
Building has five floors.
The first four are research.
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