Well, if they ever let you go on leave or whatever, let me know, and I'll get us a suite at the fancy hotel that has suites, and you can regale me with stories while naked.
A suite? You? That's funny.
But they're never gonna let me go on anything if I don't find my stupid - top.
- Get dressed.
[doors close] I know how this looks How long have you two been in contact? I contacted him once the day I joined to tell him I was okay and once earlier today.
When you tipped off an active suspect? No, it's not like that.
Miles and I we met when we were both a little screwed up.
Scratch that he was a little screwed up, I was a lot.
But we looked after one another.
That's why I warned him, not because we're working together on this, but because we're friends.
- I'm really sorry.
- Noted.
If not you, then who is Mr.
Lydon working with? No one.
He's an idealist, believes in freedom of information.
That information cost a man his freedom, and you sabotaged our attempts to remedy that.
No, I came here to find out what Miles knows about Chan.
- And? - Nothing.
- Miles is a dead end.
He's harmless.
- We'll see.
Really, I was gonna find out everything I could to try to help.
I just I felt like I couldn't tell you guys everything.
I know.
That's why I asked May to follow you.
Seems that wasn't a dead end.
Why would Skye do this to us for him? I thought she was our friend.
I think she is, Fitz.
He's just obviously more than that.
Yeah, but we've been through so much together, and she didn't even tell us that she has a guy.
Well, who knows what they've been through together? May: The classified information you stole from us who did you give it to? It's information.
It has a life of its own.
What happened to Mr.
Chan? I don't know who that is, so why don't you tell me? [glass shatters, clattering] So, are you guys just gonna destroy all my stuff? Yes.
- Anything? - I don't have to talk to you.
Take him in.
Gather all the evidence and secure the prisoners.
We got what we were looking for here.
We're going to Hong Kong.
I'm so sorry, Ward.
- This is not what it looks like.
- Hands.
Now get up.
[sighs] Uh, you missed a button.
[sighs] What is this big place, Raina? And who are these guys? They'll assist you with anything you need.
We're here to monitor your vitals while we observe your powers.
And it's big because we'll need the space.
This serum strengthens the cytoskeleton within each cell of your body.
One dose, and you'll feel incredible until it wears off.
- And it will wear off? - Yes.
But the effects in average subjects have been impressive.
In you, I'm excited to see.
What do you think of the name "scorch"? [gasps] Breathe.
[breathes deeply] Feel it? Now let's see what you can do.
[chuckling] Oh, sorry! You almost got scorched.
This is incredible.
Whoo! You are a beautiful angel you know that? Your power is an amazing gift.
And S.
wouldn't let me use it.
But thanks to you, the whole world can finally see what I can do.
From now on, nobody holds me back.
[breathing deeply] [grunts] [engines roaring] So, I guess due process isn't really S.
They don't have time for it.
Whoa, are you defending them? These people are denying our basic rights.
This isn't about us.
They're trying to save someone's life.
Listen to yourself.
That's what they always say to justify invading privacy, Skye.
These people stand for everything we despise - secrets, censorship - Enough with the manifesto, Miles.
We can't let them get away with it! Manning, Snowden, Aaron Swartz - these are modern-day revolutionaries.
- This has nothing to do with that.
You leaked [computer beeps] Guy's hiding behind platitudes.
He's dirty.
I can feel it.
Scrubbed clean, actually nothing much on him.
He's got no family records.
His apartment's under an alias.
And he plays a lot of "Minecraft," where he runs a rather nasty mob.
- Is it is it zombie? - Zombie pigmen.
Keep looking.
- Go ahead.
Say it.
- I don't do petty.
But you called it.
I trusted my gut, even though you said she was a risk.
When someone breaks into my house, I usually don't invite them to stay, but that's me.
That was me, too.
Then that alien staff went through my heart.
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