- You get any of that? - Only the uncle part.
We got our origin Austin, Texas.
You got a name? Just the café our hacker worked out of, but I'm in the system.
I'm gonna check to see if any credit-card charges from that day match up with any known hackers.
We got a hit.
Miles Lydon, not Skye that's to all of our relief.
- You know him? - Every hacker in the world knows him.
Not just the hacker world.
He infiltrated the Kremlin.
Yeah, the picture of, uh, Putin shirtless on horseback that was his hack.
It was also his hack that got Chan kidnapped.
May, set a course for Austin.
- Just did.
- What about Chan? Kwan's got a S.
team on the ground.
Our best bet is to chase this thing from the other end.
Find Mr.
Lydon, bring him in.
See what he knows.
[engines roaring] Just left the café where Miles logged in.
Cashier says she hasn't seen him in over a week.
Ward: I may have eyes on him.
I've been made.
Heading East on 5th street.
Target is now in a silver Jetta.
Coulson: I got him.
[tires screeching] All right, suit.
You asked for it.
[beeps] Gridlock protocol.
[horns honking] [tires screech] [sighs] I lost him.
Woman: You sure they're not following you? Yeah.
Had to pull out all the stops, though.
Thanks for the text.
Wait, are you mad? Are you kidding me? I don't have much time.
- Who did you leak those files to? - Wait a second.
What? "Good to see you, too, Miles.
" I released them into the world, where they belong.
They'll keep hunting you unless they have someone else to look for.
And why the hell would you hack S.
? - Because that's what we do.
- Not when I'm on the inside.
You could have ruined everything, you dumbass.
- Seems like you handled it.
- I've come too far for you to Why are looking at me like that? - Did you just call me "dumbass"? - Stop smiling.
I'm serious.
Because I taught you everything you know, - so what does that make you? - No, you didn't.
I'm sorry.
I can't help it.
I've been missing you like crazy.
[laughs] - That's where you keep that, huh? - Better safe than busted.
- Making any progress on that? - I'm digging, but your little stunt is gonna make it harder.
- [sighs] Where's my top? - You know, I could be helping you.
If you send me ciphertext, I could be working on algorithms No, I can't contact you.
I never should have.
There's a S.
team looking for you right now my team.
And if they suspect something, I'm screwed.
There's a joke here that I'm resisting - that involves the word "screwed.
" - Shut up.
There's a guy in trouble because of you, and I got to get back.
So if you want to help me, help me find my clothes.
I'm sorry, Skye.
Really, I am, if I messed anything up.
- I've missed you.
- Me, too.
But we talked about this when I left for L.
I've got a chance here.
So S.
's off-limits, okay? Okay.
At least tell me what it's like.
- Come on, the belly of the beast.
- Surprisingly unbeastly.
I've got good people I'm working with.
Some good stories, though, I hope? [chuckles] Miles.
You have no idea.
- But that's classified.
- Miles: You did not just say that to me! [laughs] Come on, you got to tell me something.
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