has had to take action.
Action against objects or people? Well, that's drastic with a side of creepy.
How are they monitored Tapped phones, satellite surveillance, body probes in dark, unpleasant places? Fitz: Body probes? Now, that's ridiculous.
doesn't do that.
We don't do that.
Do we? The methods vary.
Chan was low-risk.
He was assigned a case agent who checked in with him every few days.
That's how we discovered him missing.
[speaking Cantonese] [speaking Cantonese] Everyone, this is agent Kwan, Chan Ho Yin's case agent.
What can you tell us? Not much, I'm afraid.
Chan is a magician, so at first, I thought he'd made himself disappeared.
The file says you'd caught him violating his index agreement before.
On two separate occasions claimed we were "hampering his artistic expression.
" But late last night, he was taken by professionals.
The only thing they left behind was this scrap of aluminized material.
Fireproof clothing.
So whoever took him knew about his power.
Yes, and we think we know why.
Over the last few days, tech division discovered a crack into our data stream.
It's the same cyber punks who hacked us before.
Somehow, they got in again.
It's the Rising Tide.
Hello? It got real quiet.
You guys still there? [tapping] The Rising Tide is a huge organization of hacktivists from all around the world.
Any of them could have done this! - It wasn't me.
- No one's saying it was.
But you're thinking it.
I can see your faces thinking it.
Coulson: We're assessing the situation.
Then I'm sure you're taking into account that I have been living on a plane with you this whole time.
It would be impossible for me to hack S.
Or easier.
We're gonna need more than that.
Let me trace the hack, and I'll prove it.
I believe her, sir.
And if she's telling the truth, we need to track down the person responsible.
Dig up something, and fast.
The longer Mr.
Chan's missing, the more danger he's in.
Raina: Good morning, Chan.
[grunts] - What the hell? - I apologize for last night.
It was important I bring you in under the radar.
- Oh.
- Tell Agent Kwan I don't need to be read the power protocols again.
It was just a street performance - it's not like I set anyone on fire.
- I don't work for S.
- I come as a friend.
- English isn't my first language, but that word means something different than you think.
I understand your frustration, but I believe you have a gift.
And if you let me, I'd like to help you nurture it.
I can increase it.
You'll get people's attention then.
Increase my power? Why? What's the catch? - I'd like to run some tests.
- There it is.
Now, will you let me go, or must I fight my way out? Leave now, and I'll forget you, I promise, but so will everyone else.
Stay, and you can be remembered, known the world over.
You want to make Chan Ho Yin a famous name? No.
You need a simpler name, a a more powerful name, a name like Scorch.
Scorch? Are you joking? Have you ever heard of Steve Rogers? No.
But Captain America now, he's on the news, on a lunchbox, on a poster on the wall.
I don't want to be a superhero.
You want to be recognized for your gift.
And who is more recognizable than them? I was given this power for a reason.
- I just want people to see what I can do.
- They will.
All I want is what you want for you to be remembered, to be seen for what you're meant to be a star.
It's growing on me.
[chuckles] - How close are we? - Almost there.
She's identified the remote-access trojan and the infected endpoint And is searching for a TCP to correlate the hypertext with signature information and then - Bob is your uncle.
- voilá.
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