So I'm not sure how interested he'll be in what I found out about Skye.
Skye? I probably shouldn't be talking to you about this.
I should go straight to Garrett.
Garrett's got more important things to worry about.
You can tell me instead.
I've been looking through the files that Skye downloaded from the plane.
And in addition to medical records, I found hospital files, adoption-agency searches.
Skye's an orphan.
Been looking for her parents for awhile.
It's not exactly a secret.
But that's what intrigued me.
That and her DNA.
It appears to be a match for someone I heard about a long time ago.
You know something about Skye's history? I can't confirm it's her, but I did hear a story about a baby girl.
Years ago, a village in the Hunan Province in China.
It was destroyed, every man, woman, and child torn apart by monsters trying to find that baby.
Did the monsters kill the baby's parents? No.
That's what's so interesting.
The baby's parents were the monsters.
Give me one reason not to blow your head off.
I brought tacos.
I was half expecting you to be long gone.
I was half expecting you to never come back.
You said a couple of months.
It's been six.
Been out of the country on assignment.
Seems like you and Buddy did okay without me.
First few weeks were rough.
But then I realized my thinking was limited.
So I started raiding cabins.
Got some tools, the tent.
Life got easier.
Gonna build a cabin, over there.
See? I told you you could do it.
Damn, son, you stepped up in a big way.
I couldn't be prouder if you were my own.
I lied about the tacos.
What's that for? Your next lesson.
Your turn.
Stick with me, kid.
In a couple years, you'll shoot better than that.
Something about that woman unnerves me.
It's those eyes.
No, it's what's behind those eyes.
What did she text you about earlier? She had questions about your decision to pack up the lab and move it to the States.
I planned to expand operations anyway.
The fact that the Deathlok files were stolen from Cybertek just speeds up my decision.
I heard you wanted to hang on to this during the flight.
You heard right.
You've re-created gh-325.
We've distilled the genetic components of all the previous samples down to one single vial.
And it'll do what we talked about? It should regenerate and heal cells, just like it did in Skye and Coulson.
So take good care of it.
That's the only one in the world.
You sure you don't want anything else? How about one of these quarter walkie-talkies? They have a built-in homing beacon.
- Okay.
- I'll keep one, too.
Don't want to be greedy.
We've already got the dwarfs.
No problem.
All right.
Because we had to fly in low, we have to search for our plane on the ground.
Fitz, Simmons, you have the maps.
Do not engage under any circumstances.
If you find the bus, call us and stand down or come back here and wait.
- We'll be careful.
- Understood, sir.
Let's do it.
We're too late.
They're gone.
They knew we were coming.
I'm not sure everyone's gone.
Something's generating a lot of volts in there.
Yeah? Sir, we found the bus.
It's on an airfield outside Abel Santamaria packing up to leave.
We're on our way.
How far is that from our location? About three hours, but by the looks of it, they'll be long gone by the time you can get here, sir.
Get out of there right now.
Do not engage.
Wait for us back at the jump jet.
Copy that, sir.
Garrett's leaving.
We have to at least try and get over there.
Or not.
We still have this little puppy.
If there's a computer system in that barber shop, we don't have to chase him anymore.
We just plug it in, we wake up the trojan horse, and we're off to the races.
Worth a shot.
Let's do it.
I know we're not supposed to engage.
But if they get away, we'll be back to square one.
I can't handle square one again.
Garrett's there, which means Ward's probably there, too.
What if we send a dwarf into the plane from here? It can stow away inside so we can track where the bus is going.
Simmons, excellent suggestion.
We can send sleepy.
He's our best listener -- next to you, of course.
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