I wanted to make a spectacle.
People are killed by guns every day in Bogota.
But how often does a monster punch a drug lord's head clean off? Hell, that's international news.
Spectacular thing you did back there, Mikey.
If I didn't know better, I'd swear you're starting to enjoy your job.
You get the impression he's enjoying his job? Somebody does.
Well, I'd like to think we all enjoy our work.
And why not? These are exciting times full of rewards.
Which reminds me Zeller.
Yeah, it's me.
Stream Mike Peterson some video of his son this afternoon.
Don't mention it.
How about that guy? I've turned him into a new man.
Is that what he is? Are you still sore about what he did to you? No, I'm sore at you for making him do it.
Look, we're on the verge of completing something I've been chasing for 25 years.
Can't you just be happy for me? See? That's what I'm talking about.
- Happy campers.
- I think you'll be happy, too.
We're close to replicating the drug that healed Skye and brought Coulson back to life.
The data from Skye's hard drive, all that research -- been a big help.
I've uploaded everything to the lab in Cuba.
They'll have initial results by the time we land.
You never disappoint, do you, flowers? Wish everyone on my team had the same success rate.
We'll see you this afternoon.
We're on with the R&D department up at Cybertek's Palo Alto offices.
It'll be okay, Fitz.
No matter how deep they dig, they'll only find the new identities I've created.
It's not that.
It's the idea of giving them access to all of our designs.
We're not actually giving them anything.
We just need to get inside so we can plug Skye's flash drive into one of their computers.
You don't have to go.
It's not that, either.
It's ward.
What if Garrett put an exploding eye into him, to control him? Maybe that's why he betrayed us.
I'm pretty sure there's a much simpler reason.
He's evil.
Well, I don't believe that people are born evil.
Something must have happened.
Hey, sorry it took so long.
My mom's real sentimental about granddad's howling commando stuff.
Trip was generous enough to offer up some of his granddad's spy tech to help us out, so we should systematically take a full inventory of ev-- Oh, my god.
Is that a handheld hypno-beam? One of the original betas.
See how it has the switch on the bottom? The production models moved it to the side.
This is amazing.
Almost as cool as a - Transistorized blast gun.
- Transistorized blast gun.
Ah, ha ha.
The two of you can get a room later, but we have a plane to catch.
Where did they buy this stuff, from the back of a comic book? No, girl, that's not really a joy buzzer.
That's a -- E.
Knocks power out in about a 10-foot radius.
A lot of vintage S.
spy craft was designed to look innocent in case a spy was caught.
Like, umOkay.
Like these smokes.
Thanks, Trip.
This is a huge help.
Gives us a fighting chance against these bad guys.
Oh, Fitz.
Watch out, Hydra.
Here we come.
I'm gonna retire out here one day.
A thousand acres of Wyoming woods and meadows, already paid for.
Speak up, son.
I'm not a mind reader.
What if the police find us? Nobody's looking.
Family will be happy to never see you again.
As for cops, well They do best when they stay out of S.
's way.
So, is S.
Academy near here? Right now, you have more pressing issues, like what you're gonna eat tonight.
I-I thought that was our dinner.
No, this my dinner.
I shot them, I eat them.
Hell, Buddy deserves these birds more than you do.
He retrieved them.
Out here, son, if you want something, you have to earn it.
From here on out, you earn everything.
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