I know you.
You're a fighter.
Is this her? The beautiful warrior with a heart of ice? His heart now beats in concert with mine and mine alone.
No reason to make this about us.
He told me who he desired before me.
But, my dear it wasn't you.
Where's Simmons? - Oh! - What the hell are you doing?! - Sir, are you you? - Of course I am! Fitz has Sif trapped in the cage.
We need to unlock the door, get her out.
What? Coulson, they opened the airlock.
She's gone.
I'm afraid she was sucked out of the aircraft.
Are you kidding? She's Asgardian.
Sif's still out there.
Unlock it.
Let her in.
You, come with me.
I need your help.
Anything else I can do to be of service? Okay, good.
I'll be right here.
Leave me in peace.
Return to Asgard.
While you remain here? I think not.
What is she doing? No.
Here I will no longer pose a threat to Asgard.
Can you not let me be? Find some small mercy within your heart? My heart has no place in this.
I have orders to bring you back.
All these years, and you're still the same Sif, doing as you're told, heeling at the feet of those who command you never to get what you desire not Haldorr, not Thor a man who considers you more pet than woman.
Hand me my sword, Lorelei.
See, that's the difference between you and I.
I don't take orders.
Stay strong for me, baby girl.
You stay strong.
Hey, you're not supposed to be up here! Ward, I think we have a big problem! You better get back here, Simmons.
You cannot be running about, okay? Lorelei does not want any - Fitz.
- Sir? Poor thing! He's always getting knocked out, isn't he? Kill me.
I'd rather die than go back to that place.
- You will not get off that easy.
- Why? It's what you want.
I can see it in your eyes.
Or would you rather hear about how the man you loved followed me around like a dog hear of his touch, his kiss, the look in his eyes when I You were saying? Sorry about this.
Wait a minute.
I'm sorry.
It's me.
Okay? I'm back.
He speaks the truth.
Good to know.
My apologies.
The damage caused to your flying boat - was unfortunate.
- It's seen worse.
I assure you, Lorelei will be punished severely for the crimes against your people.
It must have been hard for you After everything she did, to move past it, to let it go.
Odin ordered her back alive.
As one of his warriors, I bow to his will.
Regardless of what it cost you? Much like your S.
, we are bound by our code.
I am honored to have fought by your side.
I'll run diagnostics, see how much damage we're dealing with.
How much are you dealing with? - He didn't break anything, so - Not what I meant.
You should talk to him, hash it out.
And you should take your own advice.
You've been sitting on something since the Guest House.
If not with me, then with Skye.
She deserves to know what you saw down there.
I figure I let you punch me again, repeatedly, - Just why don't you just - It's fine.
It's not.
I never intended - I didn't want to hurt - You didn't.
That was never a risk with me.
I told you that.
- You did.
- Seems like we're done here.
But if what Lorelei said was true you were more honest with her than you are with yourself.
I'm not saying you were weak.
I'm saying all men are weak.
I understand why you had to punch me.
I forgive you.
Can I get a moment alone with Skye, please? Yeah.
I know that face, and something gives me a feeling I should be sitting down for this.
I've been looking for a way to tell you this, looking around for some answers, something to help explain but I don't have any.
So the drug, the one that saved us both when we found it, I discovered something else.
Its source.
It was alien.
A-alien, as in unfamiliar? No.
The minute I learned what it was, I tried to keep them from injecting you with it, but I was too late.
I'm so sorry, Skye.
You were trying to save my life.
You did save my life.
I was desperate to, and so I subjected you to unknown ramifications or side effects.
I'm sorry to say this, sir, but so what? We are alive.
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