And I will not know peace.
So we take her out of the equation.
Eliminate the threat.
The graves of Asgard's enemies are littered with men who underestimated Sif.
Do not make the same mistake.
You do not know her.
I don't.
But the people she's working with now I know them.
May I? - You have experience with swords.
- Yes.
- But I prefer to use my hands.
- Admirable.
But be warned Lorelei is quite skilled at combat.
Then why co-opt men? Why have them fight for her? Well I believe it gives her a thrill Especially if the man is already taken.
And, besides, even the best warrior needs an army to conquer an empire.
So her pattern remains.
She attaches herself to the strongest warrior she can find and then unleashes a swath of blood and destruction.
The man she's with Ward he's as lethal as any.
- One of our best.
- I see.
I've been where you are, Melinda May a man I cared for, under her spell, so enchanted, forsook his family, his friends, me.
Steel yourself to do what might be necessary.
- Your Agent Ward - He's not mine.
Well, that is certainly true now.
But Agent Ward is no longer the man you knew.
- He will not hesitate to kill you.
- Ward won't kill me.
Do not let your feelings cloud your judgment.
I'm not.
He might try to kill me, but he won't.
Security cameras just caught sight of them.
If Lorelei wants an army of wealthy, pliable men, I think she just hit the jackpot.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Back room's secure.
- Bathroom clear.
- Kitchen clear.
All clear.
Room secured.
- Clear.
- She's gone.
- Turn this suite upside down.
- Yes, sir.
I know you said you and Ward wouldn't be a problem.
But I also know you wouldn't tell me if it was.
Fitz, there are cameras everywhere in this town.
Track them all.
No sign of them On any surveillance around the city.
It was a long shot.
Ward knows how we work, knows to avoid cameras.
Well, I expanded my search, got satellite support running.
We'll find them.
I do have a bit of good news.
- I fixed Lorelei's neck collar.
- Let me inspect it to be sure.
Asgardian metal is much different from the ore of this planet.
Sure, but I think you'll find it's up to snuff.
It's in your room.
You and Ward have the same training.
You're cut from the same cloth.
If it was you, where would you run to? Asgardian metal is so dense.
Just had to find the right tools, really.
But you'll see not a scratch on it, because, yes I am that good.
Well done.
You really are quite clever.
If I was Ward, I wouldn't run.
I'd take out my main threat.
We're taking off.
Why are we taking off? - What is that pounding? - I'll go and investigate.
- You - Stay put.
I know.
Someone locked us in.
- Fitz? - Sir.
Ward and Lorelei are on the bus.
Where's the collar and Sif? In there.
That's why I'm standing guard.
Would not want Sif to get out and hurt Lorelei.
Of course we wouldn't.
And Lorelei wants me to go down to the basement, - keep an eye on the girls downstairs.
- Already locked them in.
Cannot have them mucking up Lorelei's plan.
She's the best, isn't she, sir? Yep.
She's something else.
Aren't you the brave one? You took my plane.
I want it back.
Well we can't always get what we want.
Actually I can.
I will retrieve Sif's sword.
It will look better in my hand.
- Ward, you don't want to do this.
- This was the plan.
Cross off Sif, take the plane, eliminate anyone in our way.
Get out of her way.
It's her plan, not yours.
Fight it.
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