Be hard to get off a clean shot.
Your ladyship, can you give us a little cover? Very literal interpretation.
Thank you.
- All clear.
- Men, stay outside.
Let Sif take Lorelei.
Ward, head around back.
Surround the building.
Lorelei still manipulating men to do your dirty work, I see.
And I see you're still a step or two behind.
You know how this ends, Lorelei.
So come willingly.
You mistake me for someone who fears you.
I've bested you before.
Or have you forgotten? Tear her apart.
I'm sure you're, uh, a reasonable guy Rooster.
Rooster? Really? - You're a fine warrior.
- I am.
So put your hands behind your back and get on your knees.
Men kneel before me.
I do not bow to them.
Gonna need some backup over here.
That is not what you need.
Take me somewhere grand, deserving of a ruler, - a queen.
- I know just the place.
Lorelei's treachery remains unchanged, no matter the world.
We'll find them.
Every agent in the area is out looking.
To what end, hmm? The collar has been broken.
Short of death, we have no means to end her enchantment.
Let me worry about that.
Stay here.
And try not to punch a hole in my airplane.
So, Ward's what? Like, a pod person? No, according to Lady Sif, the men Lorelei controls don't forget who they are or what they know.
She just becomes the embodiment of all their desires.
So once we find them, we can break her mojo or whatever and get Ward back, right? Yes, once the collar's back on Lorelei's neck, the enchantment ends, but that's the problem.
The collar caught a shotgun blast back in the desert.
- You think you can fix it? - Well the metal, the weight it's similar to the Berserker staff.
But it presents its own set of countless unknown variables.
- Got a couple hours.
- Yeah.
What can I do? And don't you dare say nothing or tell me to sit down here and count ceiling tiles - while Ward is missing.
- Ward's got drop boxes and storage lockers all over the world.
They're filled with currency, weapons, I.
He's gonna use aliases, cash anything to keep Lorelei off the radar.
You're the best radar we have.
Find them.
Sir, may I have a moment? It's about the GH-325.
- Have you found something? - No.
I've hit a wall because of my limited resources.
The drug's chemical properties are foreign to me, - which is startling in its own right.
- We've been over this.
So I'm requesting once again to send a sample of Skye's blood to H.
for further study.
- That's not an option.
- Why? I don't need to explain to you the benefits of this drug.
- You've experienced them firsthand.
- No.
That's an order.
That's not a good-enough reason! I have a duty to you, sir, as my commanding officer.
But I also have a duty as a S.
scientist to pursue this, to save lives! Given Ward's recent situation, we should Two men laid down their lives in a compound rigged with explosives to keep this drug hidden.
We still don't know why.
Until we do, until we speak with Fury and get some answers, that drug and its mysteries stay in-house.
Focus on the mission.
Lorelei has Ward, and we have no idea where she's taking him.
I am fortunate to have found you.
- You are quite resourceful.
- Just well trained.
You are worlds apart from those men in the desert.
I'm not an idiot.
I know you value me no more than those bikers back there.
- The truth is I don't care.
- Because of what you feel? I've felt something before for someone on my team.
It seems foolish now.
I would die for you.
Any man would.
But I don't want them.
I want you.
You're stronger a real man with the rage of a berserker inside.
You will present me with an army.
And I will give you a gift in return.
When I first arrived here, I thought Earth left much to be desired.
But from here, it's quite beautiful.
I've spent the last 600 years locked away in a dark, cold cell my throat shackled my voice silenced.
- Torture.
- You never have to go back there.
But Sif is on the hunt.
She will not rest.
She will not stop.
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