I am hunting her.
powers to wreak havoc across the nine realms, to command armies, bring down kings, empires.
What kind of powers we talking about? - Strength? Speed? - Sorcery.
She bends and shapes the will of men to her own purpose.
Only men? Her powers don't work on women? No.
Men have an inherent weakness we do not share.
I can't imagine what she's talking about.
The very sound of her voice can ensnare most.
For the rare man who can resist, it's her voice joined by her touch that will overpower his will.
So, how do we stop her? With this.
It prevents her from speaking.
She wore one like it for centuries while locked in prison.
She escaped when the dark elves invaded Asgard and came here using one of Loki's secret pathways between worlds.
Do we know where she is now? All I know is the bifrost delivered me to her last known location.
Mostly small towns out that way.
Let's start looking for unusual activity within a few-hundred-mile radius burglary, theft, assault.
If this woman's used to ruling over empires she's gonna be hard to please.
I wanted gold! You bring me paper?! It's it's cash.
It's like gold.
- This is the currency here.
- And who's this ugly woman? Uh, that's uh, that's Ben Franklin.
Used to be President.
Used to rule this whole country.
And women can rule your land, can they not? Well, uh, y-you'd be the first.
I will.
What the hell, Duane?! - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Move! Move! I have been texting you all day, worried sick! I thought you were dead in a gutter somewhere.
Don't, baby.
There's nothing to worry about.
I-I just turned off my cellphone 'cause the noise was bothering Lorelei.
Are those my clothes? Why is this woman wearing my clothes, Duane? Who's this Duane she speaks of? It's, uh that's me.
My my real name's Duane.
She calls me that.
She's my wife.
- Yeah.
- Oh! Do you prefer her to me? Sh-she is nobody next to you.
Nobody?! Really?! "Nobody" owns this bar.
You know what? Everybody out.
Out! We are closed! Out! I'm tired of this noise, Rooster.
Make it stop.
His name is not Rooster! It's I'm sorry, baby.
You're just making too much noise.
These are files of every police report within 100 miles of where you arrived, everything from the last 48 hours.
When you want to sift through the information, you just - I'm familiar.
- touch the oh.
It's an antiquated system we and other realms had ages ago.
You've visited other realms, seen different species, aliens.
Have you ever encountered any that were blue? - Yes, of course.
- Which ones? Uh, Interdites, Levians, Pheragots, Kree, Sarks, Centaurians.
The Frost giants tried to conquer your Earth a millennia ago, but Asgard drove them away.
Well, thanks for that.
And the others have any of them been here recently? Rest easy, Phillip, Son of Coul.
None of the others have ever visited Earth.
There a robbery of jewels.
And there a gun-store robbery by guys on Harleys.
It's happening faster than I feared.
She's amassing men, gold, weaponry.
Lorelei is building an army.
Traced the men to a biker bar called Rosie's desert oasis.
Probably where Lorelei's hiding out.
Meeting a S.
convoy there in 10.
Then you can show off these beauties.
- These all night-night guns? - Based on the same technology, but we're not calling them that anymore.
- About time.
- They're called ICERs - incapacitating cartridge emitting - They're great.
And you lost the ounce.
And I tripled the stopping power.
But I did realize after our run-ins with Mike and Centipede - Whoa.
- Sorry.
um, that we needed something stronger, better.
Thought you didn't like guns.
No, I always say if I need a gun, I'll take one.
- Ah.
- We'll need these.
When you're up against people who are being controlled, sometimes it's hard to distinguish friend from foe.
- This way, we can take out either.
- Where's Lady Sif? Shall we? Lorelei's tastes run toward palaces, castles.
This is far more humble than her usual abode.
The draw wasn't the place.
It was the manpower.
How many men does she have in there? Have you seen the suspect? Yes, we have.
And she's beautiful.
What is that? Well, it seems we've caught the attention of the law.
- You swore to fight for me.
- Yeah, and I will.
But they got a lot of firepower out there.
I mean, hell, they even got some medieval-times chick.
She's got, like, a sword and everything! Sif.
They're on us from both sides.
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