It's not in here, or I'd have found it.
There's no time to search the whole compound.
Maybe we can take some semtex, use it on the doors.
Sir, are you sure you want to? We should put suits on before we go in there.
You're right, but there's no time.
I wish I could speak to Simmons.
She'd know what most of this stuff is or, at least, what stuff not to touch.
Uh Fitz.
I don't see any G.
H Agent Coulson.
It's locked.
Put these on.
Got it.
Time to go.
We couldn't stop it.
Four minutes and counting.
Almost there.
There's semtex throughout here, as well.
This is it 325.
- This is the one we want.
- We gotta go.
- Get it up to Simmons.
- Yeah.
I'll be right behind you.
Three minutes.
Have you worked much with munitions, Agent Fitz? Explosives are a fascinating specialty very exacting.
Too big a concussion could trigger a chain reaction bury us like fossils for a thousand years.
Guess we don't have to worry about the Clairvoyant finding this place.
Agent Ward would you do the honors? Thought you'd never ask.
Can you slip through? - Yeah.
- Go.
All right.
Get that drug up there.
- Coulson.
- Where the hell is he? Phil! Go with Fitz.
Make sure that drug gets to the girl.
- Agent Garrett.
- Go! Save the girl.
Weak, erratic heart rate.
Each time we save her, I ask myself, "is this what Skye would want?" We didn't come this far to quit.
Get off the ground immediately.
They're alive.
Maybe we can Fitz, come in.
What's your status? Phil! Phil, what the hell? Clock's not slowing down.
- It's about to get really warm in here.
- Hey, you with me? The guys are out already.
They took the drug up to Skye.
No, don't give it to her.
The drug they can't give it to her! All right.
You can tell them yourself.
Right now, we just need to get out of this mountain and off the ground.
Now let's go.
You want more epinephrine? - We found it.
- What is it? And how much, injected where? May, get us off the ground, or it'll fall out from under us.
No! Don't give it to her! I was losing her, anyway.
What harm can it do? Come on, girl.
It's working.
She's spiking.
Stop it.
How can we stop it? Skye! - What's happening? - I don't know Skye! Do something we have to do something! Her heartbeat she's stabilizing.
Simmons? Could someone tell me what we just saw? The girl's a fighter.
What was that stuff you just gave her? I don't know.
All I know is that it worked.
You're a real miracle worker.
You did it.
Something happen down there? I'm not sure.
One minute, he was fine.
The next, it was like he had seen a ghost.
I have good news and bad news.
Which would you like to hear first? Bad news, then there's a fair amount.
Your Clairvoyant, the one who said he'd have your back he's a no-show.
The site we were supposed to lead him to with our minds blown to pieces, buried under 100 feet of rock.
It seems the only psychic power your buddy has shown is the ability to predict if you tell tell a rich, entitled dirtbag he's gonna get away with murder, he'll believe it.
Girl's gonna live live to testify how a billionaire shot her point-blank in the stomach.
Oh, we got a great little home movie of you admitting that, genius.
This Clairvoyant played you and left you to rot.
- You said there was good news.
- I did? Oh, yeah.
You still have your tongue.
Let's go.
I want to thank you, Garrett, for letting us keep Quinn on the plane.
Don't mention it.
There's still time for me to make the rest of his life a long, living hell.
I'm counting on it.
- Something I need to ask you, Phil.
- Of course.
- We've known each other a long time.
- Yes, we have.
Been in our share of tight spots together.
If it had gone the other way if Skye hadn't survived, were you really prepared to throw Quinn off this plane? You were the one who made that threat.
I just asked to keep him on the plane for awhile.
You're right.
It was me.
- My mistake.
- Till next time.
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