's protocol directives.
This is Agent Coulson with S.
We don't know the counter, but we have a team member in dire need of medical assistance.
We know she can be treated here.
Open the doors.
Maybe we can work something out.
Do you copy? How was the drive from Istanbul? We're looking for medical assistance.
A person's life is at stake.
Will you help us? How was the drive from Istanbul? "Pretty please" it is.
These guys are good hacked their way in.
How the hell did they find this place? Doesn't matter.
Didn't know the countersign.
- You want left or right? - Left's good.
There's an antechamber and a set of glass doors.
Can't see much beyond that.
Lights are all out.
Well, they know we're coming.
Let's go say "hello.
" Clear.
Okay, Simmons, we're going in now.
Simmons? Damn it.
Comms are down.
There's too much mountain on top of us.
Trust me it's better.
You don't want them hearing the horrible death we're walking into.
Humor, son.
You Brits are too serious.
- Besides, if the job was easy - It wouldn't be any fun.
I'm not afraid not yet.
I suspect the real danger won't happen until we breach that bulletproof glass.
Probably a stairwell back to the surface.
What do you think, Fitz? Can you get us inside? To certain, horrible death? Absolutely.
Okay, sir, just say the word.
Once we get inside, everybody find cover.
All right, gentlemen, here we go.
We've come for medical assistance.
But you continue firing on us, we will defend oursel - I count two hostiles.
- Copy that.
Ready? You got one of those little flash things? Yeah.
Ward! Clear! - See if you can get some lights on.
- Yeah.
No hard feelings, Bob.
We're not done.
This one's hit.
Shouldn't be too hard to find.
We're gonna get you medical help.
Is anyone else down here? Where are the doctors? Med staff doesn't stay here.
We're looking for a drug GH-325.
It might help you, too.
- Do I k-know you? - I don't know.
I-I might have spent some time here awhile back.
Then you know about the timer.
We got a problem! Semtex.
The whole place is rigged to blow.
There's enough explosive to bring down the whole mountain on top of us.
Less than 10 minutes.
It's probably a failsafe.
If the guards had eliminated us, they'd stop the timer.
Since they didn't It's some kind of emergency override.
Skye could probably get past it, but I can't hack the panel, which means we're trapped in here.
You're the guy who taught Ward how to disarm nuclear bombs.
Figure out a way to get us out of here.
Let's go find the drug.
So this is some sort of medical facility.
Yeah, but if nobody's here, I'm not sure it's gonna do us any good.
Tough when it's your team.
You guys go back a ways? Not really.
A few months.
We have nothing in common couldn't be more different.
But you can't imagine your life without her.
You've experienced that, Agent Triplett? I have.
Sometimes, a person takes you by surprise.
She's very lucky to have you.
I know anything bad ever happens to me, hope you're in my corner, too.
Comms are down.
If I don't hear anything within the hour, I'm going after them.
Skye's coding.
Both of you, now.
How can we help? I need a unit of Epi.
Got it.
Let me die.
Let me die! - Is that where - Yeah.
The timer doesn't control the explosion.
It's just a clock.
Detonator must be somewhere else.
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