There are always secrets.
That's my fear, sir.
Your file is filled with secrets experimental drugs, unknown surgical procedures we've never even heard of.
Frankly, Fitz and I only understand about 70% of what's in here.
Even if we do find where they treated you and we were able to replicate the procedure, there's the other obvious question.
- Which is? - Whether we should.
What you experienced, sir, if this file is even partially accurate No one's suggesting that we submit Skye to everything that I went through, but if there's something in here a drug, a treatment that can save her, we need to find it.
- Figure it out.
- Yes, sir.
- You disagree.
- No.
I think we need to do everything humanly possible to save Skye.
But we need to acknowledge that doing so might give the Clairvoyant exactly what he wants.
It's a risk we have to take.
How is she? Deteriorating, and I don't know how to stop it.
The only thing I've found remotely interesting - is something called "GH-325.
" - Some kind of drug? Agent Coulson was injected with that, and literally minutes later, his wounds showed signs of cellular regeneration.
Regeneration? Is that even possible? Even if this miracle drug does exist, we don't know where to find it.
We have no coordinates, no logs of anyone's departure or arrival.
I think maybe I can help with that.
- You've set up the echo-chamber.
- Yeah, I made a couple of calls.
A buddy of mine works in the archives at the Triskelion.
Agreed to let us access it from here.
Hard to believe, but this cube contains all of S.
's historical administrative data.
Yeah, but if Agent Coulson's operation didn't take place at a S.
medical facility We won't find any record of it here I know.
But this also contains all interoffice memos, travel arrangements, purchase orders.
Maybe we can track down the location through a virtual paper trail of some sort or another.
Well, let's start with the travel memoranda from the date Coulson got stabbed.
Here we go.
Or, um, what about Dr.
Streiten's departure from the Triskelion? - Maybe they have that.
- Yeah.
- Here.
This is interesting.
- A World War II bunker? "Collapsed" bunker.
Definitely not a sanctioned S.
- "The Guest House"? - Exactly.
Guest House G.
Look at the file's access history.
- The only record of it being opened - Is by a level 10 operative.
Director Fury.
So, Fury's been to this place, and he's the person who sanctioned the operations on Agent Coulson.
And why aren't you trying to find the file? Ah, damn.
Skye could crack this.
What would she do? It's not an encryption.
The Guest House is not a S.
We don't know who or what's in there.
- Be prepared for potential resistance.
- No contact from inside? I've tried every known channel no response.
- Place could be abandoned.
- Let's hope not.
We need the people inside to work on Skye.
Simmons is prepping Skye to move at a moment's notice, sir.
Trip can help.
He's had med-tech training.
We do our jobs right, this will all go peacefully.
- What if they don't want to help us? - I'll say "pretty please.
" We need the doctors alive and the place intact.
If it does go sideways, Fitz, I need you down there to determine what Simmons can use to help Skye.
And then we take it.
Let's move.
Company? Nothing's scheduled for a couple weeks.
Try the protocol.
How was the drive from Istanbul? - Countersign? - No clue.
- Never heard it.
- I can't find it in any of S.
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