This kitty is Mittens.
This one is Fitzhugh.
And this little guy in the cat condo is Jinkies.
That's a lot of cats, Jo Lynn.
Single, are you? Chandler Bing.
How come you're answering your own phone? Where's your crazy assistant? What's up, Joe? What have we always wanted to do together? Braid each other's hair and ride horseback on the beach? No.
When you get home tomorrow night you and I are gonna be at the Wizards-Knicks game, courtside! - Courtside? Oh, my God! - Yeah! Maybe Michael Jordan will dive for the ball and break my jaw with his knee! That is so cool.
I'll let Monica know.
- Hello? - Joey just called.
He's got courtside Knicks tickets for him and me tomorrow night.
But tomorrow night's the only night I get off from the restaurant.
If you go, we won't have a night together for a week.
But honey, it's courtside! The cheerleaders will be right in That's not the way to convince you.
I don't wanna be one of those wives that says: "You can't go to the game.
You have to spend time with me.
" So if you could just realize it on your own I know.
You're right.
I wanna see you too.
I gotta figure out a way to tell Joey.
He's looking forward to it.
Tell him you haven 't seen your wife in a long time.
Tell him that having a long-distance relationship is really difficult.
Tell him that what little time we have together is precious.
I'll think of something.
The One With Rachel's Phone Number mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 You look I mean, it's just That dress Well, I hope the ends of these sentences are good.
They're good.
It's just been a while since I've seen you like this.
You clean up good.
Really? Well, thank you.
Okay, stop looking at me like that.
- Last time that happened, that happened.
- Right, right.
So are you excited about your first night away from Emma? Yeah, yeah.
Phoebe and I are gonna have so much fun.
- Thank you for watching the baby.
- It's fine.
Actually, I invited Mike over.
- Phoebe's Mike? - Yeah.
- I didn't know you hung out.
- We don't but I'd like to get to know him.
Maybe have a little dinner, drinks, conversation.
That's so cute.
Ross and Mike's first date.
Will that be awkward? What are you gonna talk about? I don't know.
But you know, we have a lot in common, you know? He plays piano.
I played keyboards in college.
He's been divorced.
I have some experience in that area.
- Yeah? - Hi! Girl's night out indeed.
So I think Emma is probably down for the night but if you need anything - We'll be fine.
- You go have fun.
- Okay, you too.
- Thanks.
- And I hope you score.
- Okay.
- Bye.
So, welcome.
- I got beer.
- I got bottled breast milk.
- Why don't we start with the beer.
- Okay.
- So Phoebe tells me you play piano.
- Yeah.
You know, I used to play keyboards in college.
Do you have one here? No.
You know, I'm divorced.
Phoebe Phoebe says you're You've been divorced? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I don't really like to talk about it.
That's okay.
We'll talk about something else.
- So you're a paleontologist, right? - Yeah.
My cousin's a paleontologist.
Well, he and I would probably have a lot to talk about.
- Welcome home.
- Well, look at you.
What do you think? Well, it looks great.
It's just I'm wearing the same thing underneath, so You see what I mean? Hey! How come your door's locked? - Just a second! - No, no, no! - Joey can't know I'm here.
- Why not? I didn't want to say I couldn't go to the game so I told him I had to stay in Tulsa.
- So you lied to him? It's always better to lie than to have the complicated discussion.
Except with you.
Hey, open the door! What's going on? - What are you? - Hi.
Why are you dressed like that? Because Chandler's gonna be home in a couple of days so I thought I would just, you know, practice the art of seduction.
I thought I heard a man's voice before.
No, I was just doing Chandler's side of the conversation.
You know, like, "Hi, how do I look?" "Really sexy.
Could I be any more turned on?" You know? Okay.
Wait a minute.
Why are there two glasses of wine out? Because one of them is for you! Cheers! Okay, bye-bye.
You know, it's funny.
I've been practicing the art of seduction myself.
- You might wanna keep practicing.
- Yeah.
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