Oh, isn't this nice? It's so quiet.
I could just lie here all day.
Oh, I know.
- Open your drapes! Open your drapes! - So glad we got adjoining rooms.
- The sun is out! - Hey! Remember when I had corneas? Go to the pool and reserve chairs.
- I will get the magazines and the lotion.
- Ladies? Ross' speech is in 45 minutes.
- No! - Damn it! Walls are pretty thin, guys.
"Then we have to weigh the data from recent MRI scans and DNA testing Look at the woman sitting out by the pool getting tan.
She's all leathery and wrinkled.
I'm so jealous! "Finally, factor in the profusion of new species recently discovered.
"- Argentinosaurus.
" - Not to mention "Coldsaurus.
" in much the same way that "Homo ergaster" is thought to be a separate species from "Homo erectus"" Erectus"? "- Homo.
- Right.
"In a very real way, we can bring the Mesozoic Era into the 21 st century.
" Thank you.
- Really great.
- Oh, thanks, guys.
I thought it was wonderful.
Jarvis Oberblau.
I mean, the ideas you put forth, and from someone so young and Okay, now we're just holding hands.
We're gonna hit the beach.
That was really great.
- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, and so funny.
- Take it easy.
- All right, thanks.
Thanks so much.
Well, excuse me? - Well? - You were incredible.
You blew them away.
I can't tell you how great it was to look in the crowd and see your face.
I mean, did you know you were mouthing the words along with me? - I was not.
- No, it's okay.
It made me feel like a rock star.
Oh, my God.
I'm your groupie.
Hey, I better not find you naked in my hotel room.
Look, I took it too far.
I can't believe it's raining again.
- What will we do today? - They have a game room downstairs.
They have Ping-Pong and stuff.
Ping-Pong? Honey, they have Ping-Pong.
- Let's play.
- I don't think so.
- Why not? - You know how competitive you get.
And while I say it's cute, others disagree, and I'm lying.
- I'm not always that bad.
- Oh, yeah? What happened when we played last time? I punched you.
- And? - Phoebe.
- And? - I clunked your heads together.
- There you are.
- Hey.
As soon as it stops raining, we have got to go snorkeling.
Some kid told me about this sea turtle.
If you blow bubbles in his face he chases you.
I'm sorry, I can't.
I'm running a discussion group all afternoon.
That's okay.
I'll find someone else to do it.
I feel so bad.
I haven't seen you this whole trip.
Especially last night Don't worry about it.
It was fine.
I had the best time with Rachel.
I just felt bad for you, stuck in that room working on Ross' speech.
Actually, it turned out to be a lot of fun.
Oh, well, at least we're both having fun, right? - Is it weird that it's not with each other? - Yeah.
I think we need to talk.
Yeah, I think we do.
About what? - Come on, you guys, it'll be fun! - All right.
- I'll play if we don't keep score.
- Well, then how do we know who wins? - Nobody wins.
- So we're just four losers.
- I'll play you.
- Okay.
- You don't know what you're doing.
- She gets crazy.
This scar? That's from Pictionary.
- You want to volley a bit for serve? - Sure, if you want to.
Oh, by the way, I'm awesome.
Oh, dear God, there's two of them.
- Want to make it more interesting? - How much you thinking? - Ten bucks a game? - Make it 50.
- I'll make it 100.
- One thousand Okay! - Monica, you call it.
- Heads.
No, tails! Heads! - Tails.
- Oh, what are the chances? - My point! - Oh, no, I don't think so.
Standard rules: If at any time a player uses his nonracket-bearing hand to touch the playing surface, he or she forfeits the point.
He was a lawyer.
All the East Coast is having beautiful weather.
"In New York", "it's 72 and sunny.
" Weather bitch.
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