Oh, that feels so good.
Oh, lucky me.
Coffee and a live sex show.
- I'm sorry, what? - I'm sorry.
- Nothing.
I was just reading to Emma.
- From "Cosmo"? Yeah.
Yeah, it's: "Climax Your Way to Better Skin.
" So I have to go shopping today, which is my least favorite thing.
I'm so bad at picking out clothes.
So you need someone who knows fashion to tell you what looks good.
Not me.
Not me.
Not me.
- Oh, hey, Rach? - Yeah? - Maybe you could take Charlie shopping? - Oh, well - I'm sure you have better things to do.
- You kidding? Rachel loves to shop, and she has great taste.
She's the one that taught me not to wear white after Labor Day and to always, always, always put on underwear when trying on clothes.
If you have the time, I'd really appreciate the help.
Yeah, let's shop.
Okay, you are gonna come back with some very classy clothes.
And some slutty lingerie.
Slutty! Okay, great.
All right, bye.
Pain in the ass! - That's off, right? - What's the matter, Pheebs? Mike's sister just invited me to a party tonight and he's gonna be there.
She was like, "Don't worry.
I asked him and he's totally okay with seeing you.
" So now I have to go so he'll think that I'm totally okay with seeing him.
- Which you're not.
You're hung up on him.
- Exactly.
You want him to eat his heart out, so you have to look fabulous.
I didn't even think about that.
Sexual politics! Pheebs, I'm taking Charlie shopping.
- Come and I'll help you find something.
- That'd be great.
Oh, isn't that nice? The three of you, trying on slutty lingerie together.
- That's not what we're gonna do.
- Why'd you ruin it? Who was I hurting? The One With The Donor mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Fortunately, she has a very pretty face.
I still can't believe this.
My uterus is an inhospitable environment? I've always tried so hard to be a good hostess.
I can't believe my sperm have low motility.
While I was growing up, they sure seemed to be in a hurry to get places.
- Hi there.
- Hi.
I'm sorry there wasn't better news from your tests last week but I wanted to talk to you about your options.
Even though your chances of conceiving through natural means aren't great you never know, so keep having sex on a regular basis.
Oh, damn it! Don't worry.
After a while, you'll tune it out.
Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy or insemination using a sperm donor.
If you feel that neither of those is right for you, you could always adopt.
Is that a hint? Because we love you, Dr.
Connelly, but we don't want you to be our child.
Wow! Talk about an inhospitable environment.
Okay, you ready to go pick up Phoebe and go shopping? - Let's do it.
- All right, have a good time.
Not gonna find any clothes in there.
- Hey, you guys.
- Hi.
Guess who's up for keynote speaker at the National Paleontology Conference? - Chris Bailey? - Yeah, right.
When was the last time he made a submission deadline for an abstract? Why are you laughing? Just seeing what it'd be like to be a paleontologist.
It's fun.
So you're up for keynote speaker? - Who's deciding? - Professor Sherman.
- I'm meeting with him today.
- He's a pretty tough guy to impress.
I think I know how to dazzle him.
You're not gonna to do a magic trick, are you? No.
- Hey, guys.
- I want to ask you something.
I may get to speak at this paleontology convention.
If I do, I'd love for you guys to come and hear me.
I think I can safely say that we all have family issues, work and/or are sick.
- It's in Barbados.
- But you come first.
I'm there.
- We'll see you guys.
- Bye.
See you.
- So how did it go at the fertility clinic? - Not as much fun as last time.
Apparently, you only get porn if you're giving a sperm sample.
So, what did the doctor say? There's surrogacy, but Monica's dreamt her whole life of carrying a child and she just felt that watching a surrogate would be too hard for her.
- So you're ruling out surrogacy? - Yeah.
So I don't have to learn what that means? Aside from adoption, the only other choice is insemination so we're talking about sperm donors.
Enough said.
I'm there for you, man.
Where is she, upstairs? How do you feel about all this? I wish there was an easier way for us to have a child, but there isn't one.
Come on, Ross, be a good guy.
Step up and do it.
What? What?! No! I'm not gonna give them Ben! The data we're receiving from MRI scans and DNA testing of these fossils are staggering.
I mean, we've been accepting Leakey's dates as a given.
But if they're off by even a 100,000 years or so then you can just throw most of our assumptions you know, right in the trash.
So, what I'm saying is Is that Is that repercussions could be huge.
I mean, not just in paleontology, but if you think about it in evolutionary biology, genetics, geology.
I mean, truly, the mind boggles.
Well, that's not what you want.
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