God, you're beautiful.
Why are we fighting this? You know you want it to happen as much as I do.
I want you.
I need you.
Let me make love to you.
I don't wanna stand in the way of true love or anything but I think a cantaloupe might hurt less.
No, I'm rehearsing my lines.
They're giving me a romantic story on "Days of our Lives".
It's the first time my character's got one.
I'm nervous.
I want it to be good.
I haven't seen you this worked-up since you did that dog-food commercial and you thought you were gonna be with a real talking dog.
Yeah, that was a disappointment.
You wanna come down to the set and tell me if I'm doing okay? - Are you serious? - Yeah.
You just have to promise not to get thrown out again.
- That was an honest mistake.
- Right.
"Oh, my God.
Is this the men's room? I feel so foolish.
Have you always known you wanted to be an actor?" Yeah, that was an awesome day.
The One With Rachel's Dream mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 You guys wanna come eat dinner at the restaurant in the next few weeks? - I'd love to.
- Well, you can't.
- We're booked solid for the next month.
- Well, I can't give you a massage because my license has been revoked again.
- Phoebe, what happened? - Well, it was an accident, you know.
It's a lot of oil and sometimes the hand just slips.
Have I got a surprise for you.
Pack your bags.
Oh, no.
You guys aren't supposed to get divorced for seven years.
What? No, I'm taking Monica to a romantic inn in Vermont.
Oh, good.
Okay, good for you.
Trying to recapture the magic.
- So can you get out of work? - Honey, I can't.
- Things are crazy at the restaurant.
- You're really that busy? Yeah.
I'm sorry, I really am.
That's okay.
I'll just try and reschedule.
Hi, this is Chandler Bing.
I made a reservation there and I need to change it.
What do you mean it's nonrefundable? Well, can I just come some other time? Can't you make an exception? Tell them I'm a chef at a big New York restaurant.
Tell them that in two weeks, I will once again be a masseuse in good standing.
Look, this is ridiculous.
I'm not paying for that room, okay? Well, thank you very much.
Yeah, I'm going to Vermont.
- Don't worry, use your travel insurance.
- I don't have travel insurance.
Well, this is what happens when people live on the edge.
Why don't you take Ross? Don't you think that'll be a little weird? I mean, two guys in a romantic inn? - No, not if the room has two beds.
- I guess.
It still seems a little "Moonlight boat ride"?! Joey, is this the bed where Olivia lost her virginity? I don't know, but one of the extras sure did.
Listen, Rach.
Thanks again for coming down to watch my scenes.
Please, honey.
Just the fact that you want me here to support you, I'm Oh, my God.
Is that Christian Saunders? He is so gorgeous! And also, so gay.
Well, in my head, he's done some pretty not-gay stuff.
Well, at the Christmas party, him and Santa did some definitely-gay stuff.
Joey? Joey, we're ready for you.
All right, wish me luck.
Not that you need it, but good God! Is that Chase Lassiter? - He's straight, right? - Rach, if you weren't here wondering if these guys were gay, I don't know if I could do this.
I'm sorry, you're right.
I'm sorry.
Good luck.
On a bell, please.
And action! Drake, what are you doing here? Stopping you from marrying the wrong man and making the biggest mistake of your life.
- Get out.
- You don't love him.
What do you know about love? I know what I felt that night when we kissed under the bridge.
- That kiss never happened.
- Well, what about this one? Now, I told you to get out.
Fine, I'll go.
But let me ask you one question.
- You look real familiar.
Have we? - Shh! He's asking her a question.
Can you live the rest of your life never knowing what we could have been? - I don't have a choice.
- Yes, you do.
Yes, you do.
I'm the one who doesn't have a choice because I Because I can't stop loving you.
- Don't say that.
- Tell me to stop.
Just tell me to stop.
- Cut! - No! Or, cut.
You know, that's your call.
- Everything was delicious.
- Thank you.
It was.
The duck in particular was superb.
Thank you.
You haven't said anything.
Actually, I do have one small complaint.
Well, please, I welcome criticism.
The musician right outside the restaurant is kind of a mood killer.
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