- Where's Mon? - She's at home putting up decorations for Rachel's birthday party tonight.
- You're not helping? - I tried but apparently singing "I Will Survive" in a helium voice, not helping.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
Don't say that loud.
Gunther's gonna want to hug me.
Good news, everyone.
We finally found a nanny.
- This is Molly.
Molly, Chandler, Joey.
- Hi.
Somebody's getting a little fussy.
You're damn right I am.
I've been waiting for a cookie for seven minutes.
You know what, I'm just gonna take her outside.
- No, you stay.
I'll do it.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- Nice to meet you guys.
- Yeah, you too.
- Wow, Molly's just great.
- Yeah.
Yes, bravo on the hot nanny.
- What? You really think she's hot? - Are you kidding? If I wasn't married, she'd be rejecting me right now.
Joey? How do you think she's doing? Am I the only one that doesn't think she's hot? Ross? - I mean, she's not unattractive, but - Right.
but hot? Thank you.
Now that Rachel's gone? So hot, I cried myself to sleep last night.
The One With Phoebe's Rats mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Hey, Mike, what's the capital of Peru? - Lima.
- No.
It starts with a V and ends with an X.
And hopefully with a T-O in the middle.
You know, come to think of it, the capital of Peru is "Vtox.
" - Oh, God! - What? Okay.
I don't want to freak you out or anything but I just saw a rat in your cupboard.
Oh, yeah.
No, that's Bob.
Well, he's your pet rat? Well, not so much a pet as, you know, an occasional visitor who I put food out for.
Kind of like Santa.
Except Santa doesn't poop on the plate of cookies.
You can't keep a rat in your apartment.
They're unsanitary.
I mean, they transmit leptospirosis and hantavirus.
- What are those? - I don't know but they don't sound like spa treatments.
- You have to get rid of it.
- Okay, fine.
If it means that much to you, I'll get rid of Bob.
Thank you.
It's so weird you think he's so gross, yet you're willing to eat his crackers.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Gavin, I just want to say thank you again for watching Emma yesterday during the presentation.
I really owe you an apology.
- For what? - When we first met, you know I thought you were pompous and arrogant and obnoxious.
Is this your first apology? No, I just mean, you know, first impressions don't mean anything.
And I think you're a really good guy.
And I'm sorry that I misjudged you.
- Morning.
- Hello.
But you know what? Hey, new day, new leaf.
I am just really, really happy I'm sorry.
Obviously, Heather's ass has something more important to say so I'll just wait till it's finished.
- What? - I was giving you an apology and you were totally checking her out.
I wasn't.
I'm in fashion.
I was looking at her skirt.
Or was it pants? I didn't really see what happened below the ass area.
Wow, you are really You're really a creep.
What do you care if I was looking at her? Are you jealous? Oh, yeah.
I'm jealous.
"Oh, Gavin.
Please, please look at my ass.
" Stop looking at my ass! I mean, I just think you are totally inappropriate.
Okay? This is a work environment.
She's your subordinate.
But it was okay when you slept with your old assistant, Tag? That is totally different for two reasons.
One: I didn't know that you knew that.
And two: I wasn't some creep staring at his ass.
We had a We had a deep, meaningful relationship.
What was Tag's last name? It was Oh, my God.
He didn't He didn't He didn't have a last name.
It was just Tag, you know, like Cher or you know, Moses.
But it was a deep, meaningful relationship.
You know what? My first impression of you was absolutely right.
You are arrogant.
You are pompous.
Morgan! Morgan! - Tag's last name was Morgan! - It was Jones.
What are you, his boyfriend? - Man, I wish I had a nanny like you.
- You mean when you were a baby? Sure.
Would you stop staring at her? I wasn't staring.
I was leering.
What's the big deal with her? Maybe she's attractive in an obvious kind of way.
Yeah, obvious beauty's the worst.
You know, when it's right there in your face.
Me, I like to have to work to find someone attractive.
Makes me feel like I earned it.
Looks like Joey's doing all right with her.
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