Good morning, tiger.
I'm making you a big breakfast, so you can keep up your strength for tonight.
You're gonna get me good and pregnant.
I've got nowhere to go this morning.
I'm unemployed.
I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life.
Well, I just lost my erection.
No, I mean, what am I supposed to do with myself? You're supposed to find your passion in life.
You can be whatever you want to be now.
It's exciting.
Yeah, but it's all so overwhelming.
I don't know where to start.
Wait a second.
I can help you with this.
You just need to be organized.
We can make a list of your qualifications and categorize jobs by industry.
There could be folders and files Hey, this is where your hyper-organized pain-in-the-ass stuff pays off.
I know! My erection is back! The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Thank you.
Joey, could I have a sip of your coffee and a bite of your muffin? - Okay.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Pheebs, have you ever been bitten by a hungry Italian? I'm sorry.
It's just, I'm a little short on cash.
If you want, I could loan you some money.
Oh, no.
I learned never to borrow money from friends.
That's why Richard Dreyfuss and I don't speak anymore.
Hey, how about this? Wanna be an extra on my show? You could do that? The pay's pretty good, and you could do it for as long as you need.
- Oh, my God.
I'm gonna be on TV! - Okay, now I gotta tell you, being on TV isn't as glamorous and exciting as you think.
- Really? - No, it is awesome.
Hey, guys.
Why are you all dressed up? We're bringing Emma to Ralph Lauren today to introduce her to everyone.
- Doesn't she look cute? - She sure does.
Why does she have a pink bow taped to her head? Because if one more person says, "What a cute little boy" I'm gonna whip them with a car antenna.
I think she's gonna be the hit of the office.
Yeah, she's gonna be hotter than peasant blouses and A-line skirts.
Can I get a blue bow? Okay.
I have looked through a bunch of career guides photocopied and highlighted key passages and put them into alphabetical folders, so you can make an informed decision.
How long was I in there? Okay, let's start with the A's.
Advertising, that's a great idea.
Don't you wanna look through the rest? I don't think I have to hear the rest.
Advertising makes perfect sense.
Sorry you had to waste all this time.
You call eight hours alone with my label maker wasted time? Now I'll get to use my shredder! I mean, I could write slogans.
How hard could it be, right? "Cheese.
It's milk that you chew.
" "Crackers.
Because your cheese needs a buddy.
" "A grape.
Because who can get a watermelon in your mouth?" I got one.
Because your family's feet deserve the best.
" Honey, leave it to the pros.
I actually know someone in advertising.
I grew up with a guy who is a vice president at a big agency.
Maybe I can get him to meet you.
Give me the phone.
"The phone.
Bringing you closer to people who have phones.
" "Marriage.
It's not for everybody.
" That went well.
Almost everybody knew that she was a girl.
Yeah, after you punched that one guy who got it wrong, word spread.
I'm just gonna go in my office and pick up some stuff.
- Who the hell are you? - Who the hell are you? I'm the hell person whose office this is.
Good one, Rach.
I'm Gavin Mitchell, the person who's taking over your job.
Excuse me? Your baby's so cute.
But why would you put a pink bow on a boy? Hey, Joey.
Look at me.
I'm a nurse.
Yes, you are.
I think it might be time for my sponge bath.
Sorry, I'm just so used to hitting on the extras.
- So are you excited about your scene? - Yeah, but I'm a little nervous.
Don't be.
They'll probably just make you stand in the background.
- Good.
- You.
Here, come here.
Take this tray, stand on this yellow mark.
You're gonna move on "action.
" Walk over to the operating table, stop on the blue mark and put the tray down.
Don't walk too fast.
But don't dawdle.
Now, what? And, action! Cut! Cut.
- I'm sorry.
I'm just a little nervous.
- Well, don't be.
Okay, that helps.
And, action! Cut! Don't worry about it, Pheebs.
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