He sprang to his sleigh To his team gave a whistle And away they all flew Like the down of a thistle But I heard him exclaim Ere he drove out of sight "Merry Christmas to all And to all a good night.
" Wow! That was great! You really wrote that? Say goodbye, elves.
I'm off to Tulsa.
I can't believe you won't be here for Christmas.
You're really not coming back? We have this paperwork that needs to be filed by the end of the year.
- Lf I don't get it done, I'll be fired.
- It's so unfair.
- You don't even like your job.
- So.
Who does? - I like my job.
- I love my job.
- I can't wait to go back to work.
- I can't get enough dinosaurs.
I'm sorry I won't be here.
It's hard enough not seeing you during the week but for Christmas If this is what you have to do, I understand.
I'll see you New Year's Day.
You're not gonna be here New Year's Eve? - Did I not mention that? - No.
And to all a good night! The One With Christmas in Tulsa mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 All right, everybody.
I know it is Christmas Eve and you'd rather be with family, but there is no call for writing "Screw you, Mr.
Bing" on the back of my chair.
By the way, you can all call me Chandler.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Where you been? I was checking out that insurance company's Christmas party on three.
It was really beautiful.
They have decorations and this huge tree.
And I just thought, to hell with them, we have to work.
So I stole their ham.
Hear that? You may not be with your families but at least it's gonna smell like ham in here.
My kid's in a play right now.
You know what? I know what will cheer you up.
I had a talk with the boys in New York.
I told them about all your hard work and that a little Christmas bonus may be in order.
"A donation has been made in your name to the New York City Ballet.
" Well, that's like money in your pocket.
All right, you want me to say it? This sucks.
Being here sucks.
This work sucks! Now it feels like Christmas.
I'm sorry.
At least you get to go home and be with your families tonight.
I have to go to an empty hotel room and lay down on a very questionable bedspread.
Then tomorrow, you get to have Christmas in your own houses.
Which, by the way, none of you have invited me to.
- You can come to my house.
- No, thanks.
- It was a nice pep talk.
- Thanks.
I'm actually thinking about becoming a motivational speaker.
So if you were home right now, what would you be doing? Typical Christmassy stuff, you know.
Our holidays are pretty traditional.
So here's a very special holiday song that I wrote for some very important people to me.
Happy holidays, everybody.
Pheebs, look in the kitchen.
I'll look in the back closet.
I can save you time, ladies.
I'm right here.
Chandler, why don't you take a walk.
This doesn't concern you.
We are looking for our Christmas presents from Monica.
- What? That's terrible.
- No, no.
We do it every year.
Well, that makes it not terrible.
Yeah, we never find them.
She's always bested us, that wily minx.
We're gonna search here for an hour and then we'll go to Joey's and search.
Okay? No, not okay.
You can't look for Monica's presents.
- No, we have to.
- No, you don't have to.
And you can't, because I live here too.
- Well, then you should look with us.
- Why? Aren't you worried about what to get Monica for Christmas? No, I have a great idea for a present for her.
That's it? "A great idea"? That's not enough.
What if she gets you a great present two medium presents and lots of little presents and you got her one great present? That's gonna make her feel bad.
Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? - Lf I helped, we could find them faster! - Right.
- We have a live one! - It's a Macy's bag! Who's it for? "Dear Losers: Do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? P.
Chandler, I knew they'd break you.
" Rach, these are for you.
Wiper blades.
I don't even have a car.
No, but with this new-car smell, you'll think you do.
Okay, Pheebs, your turn.
Toilet seat covers! Is that what you were doing while I was getting gas? You guys.
And for Ross, Mr.
Sweet Tooth.
- You got me a cola drink? - And a lemon-lime! Well, this This is too much.
I feel like I should get you another sweater.
And last but not least They're ribbed, for your pleasure.
Well, hey, Ben? What if the Holiday Armadillo told you all about the Festival of Lights? Cool! Come on, Ben.
Years and years ago, there were these people called the Maccabees! Merry Christmas! Santa! What are you doing here, Santa? Well, I'm here to see my old buddy Ben.
What are you doing here weird turtle-man? I'm the Holiday Armadillo, your part-Jewish friend.
You sent me here to give Ben some presents.
Remember? What? Ben, why don't you open some more presents.
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