Did you know that during pregnancy your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back? Oh, my God! Let me see that.
You fall for it every time.
Hey! I brought you my old maternity clothes.
Oh, Pheebs, that's so sweet.
Oh, those are so cute! Look.
See how they expand as the baby grows? And after the baby's born they're great for shoplifting melons.
Good, you're all here.
Thanksgiving, 4:00.
Guess who I invited? Remember Will Culvert from high school? - No.
- He was in Ross' class.
Marching band, was kind of overweight.
Really overweight.
I was his thin friend.
I don't remember.
Are you talking about your imaginary boyfriend? No, that was Jared.
Haven't thought about him in a long time.
Will's here on business so I invited him here.
- That's nice.
- Oh, he's lost a bunch of weight.
He looks good.
Okay, I mean really gorgeous.
- I still love Chandler.
- Wouldn't hurt you to say it.
Just so you know, I'm not gonna make a turkey.
- What? - Phoebe doesn't eat turkey.
- Phoebe! - Turkeys are intelligent animals.
No, they're not! They're ugly and stupid and delicious! It's not just Phoebe.
Chandler doesn't eat Thanksgiving food and Rachel has her poultry aversion.
I had to leave when you had that chicken.
I thought that was because I put it on my hand and made it walk.
It's not worth it to make a whole turkey.
It's a lot of work.
But you gotta have turkey! Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no pie.
Or Friday with no two pizzas.
But there's gonna be a ton left over.
No, I will finish that turkey.
You can eat almost an entire turkey in one sitting? That's right.
Because I'm a Tribbiani! This is what we do.
We may not be great thinkers or world leaders we don't read a lot or run fast, but damn it, we can eat! The One With the Rumor mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Four wide receivers.
On third and 18.
Isn't it weird how next year there will be a baby at the table? Rachel's.
But good to know where you're at.
- Hey! - Hey! - Happy Thanksgiving.
- You too! - Can I help? - Yes.
Chandler usually helps but he's into the game.
Could you fold these napkins? I'm gonna go check on the yams.
No, sweetie.
No, not like that.
We're not at a barn dance.
Fold them like swans.
I showed you at Christmas.
Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me.
- So how's the game? - I have no idea.
- What? - I'm pretending to watch so I don't have to help out.
I don't believe you! That is brilliant! - And Monica has no idea? - No.
I just yell stuff at the TV.
'Ey! What? 'Ey! - Your team winning? - Anderson just scored again.
There is no Anderson.
I wanna get in on this.
Hey, Mon? I can't help you.
I didn't realize this game was on.
- You like football? - Normally, I don't.
But, you know, Green Bay is playing.
- You like Green Bay? - It's only my favorite bay.
- Happy Thanksgiving.
- Will, I'm so glad that you came.
You must've lost Subway commercials.
- A pie! - It's no fat, no sugar, no dairy.
- It's no good.
Throw it out.
- Meet some people.
This is my husband, Chandler.
This is Will.
Oh, hey.
I'd shake your hand but I'm really into the game.
Plus, it'd be better for my ego if we didn't stand together.
- This is Phoebe.
- Hi.
Wow! Well done.
- Wanna give me a hand? - I can't get over how great you look.
- You too.
You're so fit.
- I'm watching but I'm not deaf.
- I meant to tell you, Ross is coming.
- Great, I love Ross.
And Rachel Greene too.
- Is there a problem? - No.
It's okay.
It's just God, I hated her.
- What? - I hated her.
She was horrible to me in high school.
But hey, that was a long time ago.
Might be fun to see her again.
Got any cakes or cookies or something? No, Will! No! It's been a while since we screamed.
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