This one's rare.
This one's medium.
Go! Hey, Phoebe! How was dinner?! Dinner was good! Just saying hi! Now I'm gonna go! - Well, hello there.
- Hi.
I didn't see this on the menu.
This is Tim, my new sous chef.
- So you're Monica's boss? - No, she's my boss.
- "Sous" is French for "under.
" - I "sous-stand.
" Tim, I need a caesar salad.
And could you get me the pesto? - You made pesto? - Yes, I did.
Would you say your pesto is the best-o? I don't know.
I would say it's pretty good-o.
I still need the salad.
- Great necklace.
- I made it.
- You are so talented.
- Well, it's no pesto.
Let's just cut to the chase.
You're both single.
He gets off at 11.
Call her.
I'll give him your number if I could just get a caesar salad! I did not yell.
I am not putting a dollar in the jar.
The One With Rachel's Date mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 - Wow, Bing! Burning the midnight oil.
- You know me, sir.
How can I get around the computer network so I can access the really good Internet porn? You're a joker, Bing.
What's funny about that? - Sorry I kept you waiting so long.
- Where do you wanna go? I think you know.
- The Hard Rock Cafe? - Yeah.
- Again? - Yeah.
- I'm telling you, I like the food.
- You like the "Purple Rain" display.
- Hey, Bob.
- Hey, Toby.
Have a good night.
- Did that guy just call you Toby? - Yeah, he thinks that's my name.
- Why don't you correct him? - It's been way too long now.
The first time, I didn't say anything.
The next time he said, "Toby, want a doughnut?" And I wanted the doughnut.
Five years later, the doughnut's gone and I'm still Toby.
- Chandler, you have to tell him.
- That would be so awkward.
We don't work together.
He's on the sixth floor.
So he calls me Toby once in a while.
It's not like he's calling me Muriel.
Why would he call you Muriel? Oh, my God.
Chandler "M.
" Bing.
It's not just an "M.
" Your middle name is Muriel! It is a family name.
Chandler Muriel Bing.
Your parents never even gave you a chance, did they? Drake, I've discovered the reason for your memory loss.
Your brain transplant wasn't successful.
Your body's rejecting Jessica's brain.
Is it serious? Not if we extract tissue from the original body and synthesize antibodies to stop you from rejecting the brain.
That sounds simple enough.
Let's just do that.
We would, but when we went to exhume Jessica's body it was gone.
Very nice, people.
I'll change and we can go.
- What happened to Jessica's body? - You'll have to see it on TV.
- You don't know, do you? - Couldn't care less.
- Good scene, man.
- You too.
What? You weren't in it.
Kash, this is my friend Rachel.
Rachel, Kash.
- Hi.
- Why haven't I seen you here before? Joey just thinks I'll embarrass him.
He thinks I'm a soap opera nut.
Which I'm not.
I'm not.
Although, I do know your favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan.
And your dog's name is Wally.
- Look, I'm just stroking your arm.
- Let's go! Bye, Kash.
Say hi to Wally.
- Monica.
- Hi.
I had the best time with Tim last night.
He is so sweet.
I can't wait to get "sous-neath" him.
- I have to fire him.
- Why? He's terrible.
He's slow.
He burns things.
He lit my pastry chef on fire.
He was nervous.
You can be intimidating.
And your pastry chef can stand to be taken down a peg.
Well, now she has no eyebrows.
Mission accomplished.
But Monica, he loves his job so much.
Can't you just give him another chance, please? All right.
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