All right! Yes! From home to the hospital in seven minutes! Yes.
The hard part is truly over.
We're off to a great start, aren't we? I knew I'd get here fast, but this has to be a record! - Oh, you made it! - Hi.
- How the hell did you beat us here? - We took a cab.
Did you walk? No, we took a cab too.
But I did test runs Hey, you made it! Okay, is there some kind of magic tunnel to this hospital? Ross, you stay here and talk.
I'm gonna go have a baby.
Hi, this is Rachel Greene.
I'm Ross Geller.
We called from the car.
We have a semi-private labor room waiting Oh, whoa! I'm sorry.
Semi-private? We asked for a private room.
Yes, I see that here.
We can't guarantee a private room.
- Currently, they're all unavailable.
- Man, if only you'd gotten here sooner.
I'm sorry.
Semi-private rooms are all we have.
Just give us a second.
Ross? - Give her some money.
- I really think they're out of rooms.
They're saving them for important people! What if I was the president? We'd be in a lot of trouble.
You don't know where any countries are.
Say, would you mind checking again? See if any private rooms may have opened up? This is a hospital.
You know what? I don't really care for your tone.
This is not the only hospital in the city.
We have no problem Oh, gosh! - What, what? - Contraction! Oh! - Like to see a semi-private room? - Yeah, it couldn't hurt to look.
The One Where Rachel Has A Baby - Part I mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 You're 2 centimeters dilated.
We need to get to 10.
- It will be a while.
- Oh, okay.
- I'll be back in an hour to check on you.
- Thank you.
- I guess we have some time to kill.
- Yeah, guess so.
Oh, check these out.
Never done this before.
Yeah, well, it looks great.
Thank you very much.
I think we're ready to Hi, I'm Ross.
I'm here to ruin this magical day for you.
Not at all.
Marc Horger.
This is my wife, Julie.
- Hi, Julie.
This is Rachel.
- Oh, hi, Rachel.
- Is this your first? - It is.
Well, little Jamie here is our third.
So if you have any questions, just holler.
- That's so sweet.
- Yeah.
- Let me give you guys some privacy.
- Nonsense.
We're all in this together.
We are gonna share every moment of this with you.
- I think we're gonna have some fun.
- Yeah.
- Oh, okay, I guess.
- Hey, smile! - No.
- I really don't want any Oh, thank you.
Oh, Ross! Here comes another contraction.
Okay, just breathe - Oh, honey, I think I'm having one too! - Oh, my God! - Hey, look at this.
Here you go! - Oh, no! Oh, wow.
Three hours and still no baby.
The miracle of birth sure is a snooze-fest.
- Hey, you wanna see something? - Sure.
What? This will be fun.
Watch me freak out Chandler.
- Honey? - Yeah? Listen, I've been doing some thinking and I don't know whether it's because we're here or Rachel's giving birth but I think we should try to have a baby.
What's that now? Okay.
I've been thinking about it too.
I think we're ready.
Are you kidding? You think we're ready to have a baby? Oh, this is fun.
You're ready to have a baby? My boy's all grown up! You said you were ready.
I was screwing with you to get your voice high and weird like mine is now! Yes, but haven't you wanted a kid forever? Okay, just back off, mister! Because I am ready to have a baby.
I just want Joey to be the father.
- What? Are you crazy? - Right there! That's all I wanted! I'm sorry.
The doctor insisted on closing the curtain for the exam.
Oh, that's very Really, very, very okay.
Julie's cervix is dilated seven centimeters.
That's about four fingers! - Doctor let me feel it.
- Have you felt Rachel's? - No, I don't - We won't be doing that.
Well, you could feel Rachel's, then feel mine to compare.
- Am I interrupting? - Yes! Thank you! Later.
- You can't leave me with them.
- Sorry.
No, Ross, Ross? Ross? My child has no father! I'm so glad you're here, but it's gonna be a while.
I wish you'd called first.
I'm coming back later with your father.
- I need to talk to you before the birth.
- Okay.
What's up? I brought something that I want to give you.
Assuming, of course, that you want it.
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