What are you looking at? A poster for that WWI movie I'm in.
Check it out.
Wow! It looks really violent! I know.
I'm coming soon to a theater near you.
I'm in THX.
I'm unsuitable for children! - I cannot wait to see this.
- It's generating Oscar buzz.
- I started that! - I thought I did! I just talked to my agent and the premiere is next week and you're all invited! - Will we take a limo? - Sure! I love taking limos when nobody died.
Well, I won't be able to come.
For those who haven't checked their calendars, today's my due date.
I want to thank you guys for how great you've been during this.
I couldn't have done it without you.
I loved these last 9 months.
I'm looking forward to the next part but I am really gonna miss being pregnant.
That's right.
Still no baby.
Come on, people, make some room.
Sweetie, maybe you'd be more comfortable here.
Like you haven't done enough.
I know you're miserable.
I wish there was something I could do.
I wish I were a sea horse.
Because with sea horses, it's the male.
They carry the babies.
And then also, I'd be far away in the sea.
mk God.
I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life.
I know.
I remember toward the end That's a great story.
Tell it while you're getting me some iced tea.
Oh, God, get out! Get out, get out, get out! Let's.
The One Where Rachel is Late Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Hey, did you have the baby yet? Do you want me to sit on you? Because I'll do it.
- What are you doing here? - They sent me home from work.
They said, "Start your maternity leave now.
Just rest.
" You know what? Screw them! If they don't want me there, I'll hang out with you guys.
Or you could do volunteer work.
- Hello? - Joey, it's Estelle.
I was able to get you and one guest tickets to your premiere.
- You told me I could have six tickets.
- I sold four on eBay.
You'll be sitting next to HotGuy372.
So that's it? I only get to bring one guest? Yeah.
What time do you want to pick me up? Hello? You hear that? I only get one extra ticket.
So somehow I have to pick between you three and Ross.
- What about me? - You said you didn't want to go.
I would still like to be acknowledged.
- Because I'm pregnant, I'm invisible? - Definitely not invisible.
Ross didn't care enough to be here, so he's out.
- You snooze, you lose.
- He's not snoozing.
He's teaching.
Well, then somebody's snoozing.
And, Joey, not that this should affect you at all, but if you pick me I was planning on wearing a sequin dress cut down to here.
- I haven't seen this dress.
- Star in a movie.
Pick whoever you want.
Listen to your heart.
What does it tell you? Phoebe.
Well I think I want to take Chandler.
Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe.
- You want to take me? - Yeah, I wish I could take everybody.
But Chandler's always supported my career.
He's paid for acting classes, headshots and stuff.
This will be my way of paying you back.
So you're never actually going to pay me back? Just because he paid for your headshots, you're gonna take him? I don't think you're comprehending just how slutty this dress is.
It's not just the stuff he paid for.
It's everything, you know? He read lines with me.
He went with me on auditions.
Then he consoled me after I didn't get parts.
You always believed in me, man, even when I didn't.
I always knew you were gonna make it.
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks, that means a lot to me.
Mon, maybe one of these guys wants to wear your dress.
- I'm gonna go shave.
- Yeah, well, I'm gonna go spit.
I have to pee.
If I don't come out, it's because I've choked to death on the potpourri stink.
You hold her nose, I'll blow in her mouth and the kid'll just out of her.
She's a week late.
She's got to have it today.
I don't know.
I think it's still gonna be a while.
Care to make it interesting? - I bet you she'll have it tomorrow.
- You're on.
- Okay, how much? - One hundred thousand dollars.
- How about 50 bucks? - I'll call Zurich and move some money.
All right, whose turn is it to help me get up? No one's here.
Oh, damn it! This is exciting.
So glamorous! People taking our picture.
How do I look? - A little tall.
- What? Would you crouch down a bit so that I look taller? There you go.
It's just so glamorous.
Oh, hey, Mon? Rach is here.
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