Joey? Are you in there? - That's Rachel.
- You have to talk to her.
I can't.
Not after the other night.
It's too weird.
Don't tell her I'm here.
Don't eat that! - Hey! - Hey, Rachel.
Is Joey here? - I don't see him.
You? - No.
Maybe he's in the sugar bowl.
Joey? Nope.
Well, at least you make each other laugh.
- What's up? - I haven't seen him since he said how he, you know I don't know, I think he's avoiding me.
Why is that bagel on the floor? - We were playing a game.
- Was Chandler naked? Sort of like a ring-toss kind of situation? - Sure! - What? No! No! All right, listen.
If you see Joey, will you just tell him that? Tell him I miss him.
- Okay.
Did you hear that? - Yeah.
That naked bagel game? Dude, I don't know.
That's a pretty small hole.
- You've gotta talk to her.
- I can't.
You guys don't know what it's like to get shot down.
I don't know what that's like? Until I was 25, I thought the response to "I love you" was "Oh, crap.
" No rejection? I got shot down at fat camp.
Boy, kids are mean when they're hungry.
So, what do I do? It's Rachel.
You're gonna never talk to her again? It's weird and it's awkward, but you gotta at least try.
Yeah, okay.
I forgot this was on your We didn't play it! The One With the Tea Leaves I'll look at your tea leaves and tell your fortune.
- You read tea leaves? - I've done it for years.
I actually stopped because I was so accurate.
And one of the great joys of life is its wondrous unpredictability, you know? And also, tea tends to give me the trots.
- Okay.
I'm done.
Read mine.
- Okay.
I see a ladder.
Which can mean either a promotion or a violent death.
I'm the head chef.
I can't get promoted.
Who's next? I'm done.
Do mine.
Oh! Okay, I see a circle.
Which can either mean you're having a baby or you'll make a scientific discovery! Well, I have been spending a lot of time in the lab.
- What does yours say, Pheebs? - All right.
Wow! Yay! Oh, I'm gonna meet a guy! And really soon! He's gonna be the man of my dreams.
Probably not the guy I had a dream about last night.
Has anyone seen my shirt? It's a button-down, like a faded salmon color? You mean your pink shirt? Faded salmon color? No, I haven't seen your pink shirt.
I must have left it at Mona's.
I knew it! I'm sure you can get another one at Ann Taylor's.
That's my favorite shirt.
I love it.
Ask Mona to give it back.
I don't know.
I could.
We didn't really end things on good terms.
If I went, I'd be ignoring the one thing she asked me to do jump up my own ass and die.
Oh, wait a second, you guys? I've been seeing that guy everywhere I go.
We take the same bus, go to the same bookstore.
Maybe he's the tea guy.
Did you see that? He totally checked you out! And he is so cute! Mine is a picture of the Village People.
What's that mean? Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Tea gives Phoebe the trots! I thought Joey and I would be okay but we don't know how to be together.
- It's tough, but things will improve.
- How do you know? What if it gets worse and worse to the point where we can't be in the same room? I'm not great at the advice.
Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? Some cheese? Honey, why is the Bruce Springsteen CD in the Cat Stevens case? If I can't find the right case, I use the nearest one.
- Where is the Cat Stevens CD? - The James Taylor case.
- Where is that CD? - I'll save you time.
Two hundred CDs, not one of them in the right case.
No need to panic.
Deep breaths, everyone.
We'll just have to put the CDs in their right cases.
If we do that, we should come up with some kind of order.
We have to talk this through.
Oh, my God, you have such problems! I feel so terrible for you! All right.
Okay, I'm sorry.
You're both focusing on this uncomfortable thing.
Change the subject.
Get him talking about something else.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Maybe you need his advice on a work problem - I could do that.
- Good.
The Miami Vice soundtrack? Really? They were just giving those away at the store.
In exchange for money.
I really don't know what to tell you.
Maybe Joey could help you out with your big work problem.
- What? - Yeah, Joey, she's Rachel's got this big work problem.
It is a head-scratcher.
Know what? If we're gonna make dinner, we're gonna have to leave.
So you have a big work problem? Yeah.
It's, uh Yeah, it's, uh You know, it's nothing.
So I think I'm gonna take off.
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