- What's up? - I left my guitar here.
No problem.
Here you go.
- What? - You want to hang out or something? You caught me at a bad time.
- Are you and Chandler? - Exactly.
- Can I play for you? - No.
Hey, Pheebs, what's up? You ask an intriguing question, Chandler Bing.
Oh, my God! You're getting a massage? You never let me massage you.
- Phoebe, I can explain.
- You said you hate massages.
Buy stamps.
Pick up dry cleaning.
Don't let Phoebe in.
How long has this been going on? - Well, Alexandra has - It has a name? Phoebe, don't get upset.
Oh, too late! I'm leaving.
Come on, Chandler, let's go.
Well, I thought I'd Yeah, what the hell.
The One With the Secret Closet mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 One more push.
Come on, we're almost there.
I'm happy things worked out for us and we're having this baby.
I love you.
I love you too.
I hope it's not an inappropriate time to say you're the best sex I've ever had.
That's always appropriate.
Okay, come on, one more push.
One more push.
There we go.
Here is your beautiful baby.
I hope you're a better father than you are a friend! Joey! - What's going on? - Come feel my belly.
- The baby's kicking for the first time.
- Really? Yes.
You know what? Maybe you Maybe you should come to me.
I'm not wearing any bottoms.
Oh, my God.
It's unbelievable! Wow, she is kicking so much.
She's like Who's that annoying girl soccer player? - Mia Hamm? - Mia Hamm! - It's amazing.
- One hand on the sheet, Joe.
Hey, babe.
We got a wedding gift from Bob and Faye Bing.
They don't like us, do they? Who says you can't get a nice punch bowl for under $6? - Maybe we can take it back.
- Where would we return it? How about to the street, from the balcony? Why don't we just find a place for it? In that cabinet? That's for canned goods.
Have you forgotten everything from orientation? How about the closet by the bathroom? - Okay.
Let me do it.
- No, I'll do it.
You have to relax and let me take care of things once in a while.
It's locked.
You have to help me.
Why is it locked? No reason.
I keep private things in there.
I've been here a while, and I've never seen what's in there.
What is in there? Feminine stuff.
Don't try to make me uncomfortable with feminine stuff! Nothing in there concerns you.
If you love me, you'll just let it go.
- Fine.
- Thank you.
Love you.
Hello, Chandler.
Lovely day, huh? You.
If it helps, Alexandra's only been massaging her for three years.
Lf! I said, if it helps.
Why won't you let me massage you? I'd be self-conscious.
You're my friend.
I'd be naked.
We lived together for years.
I've seen you naked.
That's different.
We were roommates.
And when? I'm curious about the human body.
You can understand why this would be weird.
I'm a professional and I'm really good.
If you're uncomfortable, we can stop.
Give me a chance.
Please? If it means that much to you.
It does.
How would you feel if you couldn't share your cooking? Or how Ross would feel if he couldn't teach us about dragons.
- Dinosaurs.
- Potato, potahtoe.
Ross, the baby's kicking.
What? It is? It's not kicking now.
Although we would love to see you do that again.
When? What happened? Last night.
I went into Joey's room, and he was sleeping.
A dreamless sleep.
My God, the baby's kicking.
That's great.
I wish I would have been there to feel the kicking for the first time.
I got some stuff going on if you want to feel.
I don't want to miss any more baby stuff.
Here's my pager number.
Anytime anything pregnancy-related happens, use it.
I don't care if it's 3 a.
And you want ice cream.
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