Hey, I got you a present! Oh, my, where did you hide it? I ordered it for your wedding and it's finally here! You didn't have to get us anything I love it! It's huge! Let's open it! - It's a Ms.
Pac-Man machine! - Oh, my God! I didn't know where to put it.
- We can put it in the guest bedroom.
- Yeah, okay.
I kind of like it here.
Do you like it? I practically spent my entire childhood at the arcade.
- This was my second favorite.
- What's your first? - I don't remember the name.
- Well, what did it do? You'd put a quarter in, pull some handles and win a candy bar.
A vending machine? Don't feel bad for me.
I won every time! The One Where Joey Dates Rachel mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 I'm so glad you guys are here.
Guess what happened in the paleontology department.
Do you think he saw us, or can we still slip out? Professor Newman, the department head, is retiring, so - They made you head of the department! - I'm teaching his advanced class! Why didn't I get head of the department? Hey, Rach, I got a big date.
Do you know a good restaurant? Paul's Cafe.
It's got great food and it's really romantic.
Great, thanks.
Then take her to the Four Seasons for drinks.
Or go downtown and listen to some jazz.
Or dancing.
Oh, take her dancing! You sure are naming a lot of ways to postpone sex.
I miss dating.
Dressing up, going to a fancy restaurant.
I won't be able to do that for so long.
And it's so much fun.
Not that sitting around worrying about giving birth isn't fun.
Hey, you know what? Why don't I take you out? You don't want to date a pregnant lady.
Yes, I do.
We're gonna have a good time.
I'll take your mind off of childbirth, and C-sections and baby heads stretching out Okay, I'll go with you.
- It will be fun.
- All right.
No, no! Yes! Would you look at that.
I knocked off all your top scores.
How sad.
Okay, I'm next.
Don't start another game.
I'm next! Phoebe? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over all the winning.
- Phoebe's hogging the game.
- It's a stupid game.
You think it's stupid because you suck.
I don't suck.
It sucks.
You suck.
If this game is gonna cause problems, I should keep it.
No, I love it.
It is a great present.
Why don't you go home and wait for the "Thank You" card? - Why do you want to play this game? - It doesn't spit out a Clark Bar.
Phoebe, that's it.
Out of the chair.
Joey, could you get that? I thought you were in your room.
I'm picking you up for our date.
For you.
They're my favorite.
Thank you.
And a brownie.
Well, half a brownie.
Actually, it's just a bag.
It's a long walk from the flower shop and I felt faint, so This is so great! I actually feel like I'm on a real date.
But I have morning sickness and I have on underwear that goes up to there.
Hey, come on.
This is a real date.
So nice place you got here.
Pizza box.
Oh, a subscription to "Playboy.
" My kind of woman.
That's my roommate's.
I'd like to meet him.
He sounds like a standup guy.
He's protective of me, so you'd better watch yourself.
Your roommate, is he good-looking? Must be tough to keep your hands off him.
I'm pretty sure he's gay.
No! No, he's not! Why are you trying to ruin the game? Which brings us back to Greely's Theory of Dominance.
That's it for today.
Does anyone know where the Freeman Building is? It's the new building on Avenue A.
That's across town.
I'm teaching there in 10 minutes.
Dude, that's not gonna happen.
Move it! Move it! Hey! I'm the teacher! Hello.
Sorry I'm a little late.
Whoa, a lot late.
Well, let me start by introducing myself.
I'm Professor Geller.
So to sum up I'm Professor Geller.
Good job today.
- What comes with the filet mignon? - Steamed vegetables.
Instead of the vegetables is there any way that I could substitute the three-pound lobster? You know what? Bring her both.
And I'll have the same.
Wow, this is shaping up to be a pretty good date.
I almost forgot.
I didn't pay you the rent.
No roommate stuff.
It's a date.
Wow, so I get to see what Joey Tribbiani is like on a date.
Have any moves? No, I'm just myself, and if they don't like me for I'm sorry, I couldn't even get through that.
I knew it.
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