Look at that guy by the window.
Wow! He's awfully short.
And I think he's talking to himself.
And to be completely honest, he's not that good in bed.
What is wrong with me lately? It's like, every guy I see.
That guy, for example.
That's not someone I would be attracted to.
But right now, all I want to do is rip off his sweatpants and fanny pack.
Wait! This is about the fourth month of your pregnancy.
This is normal.
Your hormones start going crazy.
- Really? This has happened to you? - Absolutely! And I was carrying triplets.
So in medical terms, I was thrice as randy.
This explains so much! Last weekend, I went from store to store, sitting on Santas' laps.
Yeah, I remember trying to steal a cardboard cutout of Evander Holyfield.
I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow.
Maybe she can give me a pill or something.
Yeah, that's what you need.
A good pill.
The One With Ross' Step Forward mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 - I got our pictures developed.
- Great.
Want to see pictures of us skating? Ordinarily, I would love to, but I am just swamped right now.
Where are the ones that pretzel vendor took of us? Oh, yeah.
Probably at the end.
Oh, my God! All he took were pictures of my breasts.
I'm missing picture time! You know, she has a face, Ross.
- Okay, here's a good one of us.
- That is a good one! It looks like a holiday card.
With the tree and the skaters and the snow.
I want to send out cards, but I never do.
Do you want to send this one out together? Together? Like, to people? Yeah.
"Happy Holidays, from Mona and Ross.
" lt'll be cute, okay? Okay.
I gotta go to work.
Call me later? - Bye, guys.
- Bye.
Congratulations! You just got married! Can you believe that? What's the big deal about a holiday card? Married couples and families send out cards.
People who just started dating don't send out cards.
Is she crazy? That's your wife you're talking about! Bing! And the Bingette! - You remember my boss, Doug.
- Yes.
Good news! The divorce is final.
I signed the papers this a.
You and Kara divorced? I'm sorry.
Sorry? I finally chewed my leg out of that bear trap.
- Congratulations to you guys.
- No leg-chewing for us.
Well, give it time.
The divorce, the marriage, we got a lot to celebrate.
We should all go out to dinner tomorrow.
I can't think of anything we're doing.
Why can't I think of anything? Tomorrow.
I'll be out of court by 6.
They keep throwing sexual harassment cases at me, and I knock them out! Okay, see you tomorrow.
We're not seeing him tomorrow.
I can't spend another evening with that man.
Remember how he behaved at our wedding? Because he wasn't invited.
He misbehaved at our engagement party.
Oh, yeah! Urine cuts right through an ice sculpture, doesn't it? Hi! I went by the photo shop.
Take a look.
Here is a mockup of our card.
What do you think? Looks great.
Do you think it should say, "Love, Ross and Mona"? Well, we haven't said that to each other yet but I guess it's okay to say it to others.
- How many did you want? I'll get 100.
- A hundred? Well, I guess I'll take Mona? I'm not sure about the whole card thing.
Really? Why not? Sending out a holiday card together? I just don't know if we're really quite there yet.
I didn't think of it that way.
You're right.
- Can I ask you something? - Yes.
Where are we? You know, where are we? Where is this relationship going? I love spending time with you.
I just hope we're moving forward.
We should talk about that, don't you think? Let's do the card! - What? - The card! I think we're there! Okay.
But I still think we should have this talk.
Really? Even with the card? Dr.
Long can't be here today, so Dr.
Schiff will be seeing you.
Can I ask you a question? Was it me, or was the guy who took my blood sample really cute? You know who I'm talking about? Bowl haircut, hairy fingers? - Hi, Rachel? I'm Dr.
- Yes, you are.
So, how's it going? Really, really good.
But enough about me! Come on.
Where are you from? What do you do? - I'm a doctor.
- Right.
I meant in your spare time.
Do you cook? Ski? Or hang out with your wife, or girlfriend? I have no wife or girlfriend, but I do ski.
I love to ski! How amazing is this? - Are you experiencing any discomfort? - No, I'm very comfortable.
- Any painful gas? - No! Dr.
Schiff! What kind of question is that? Would you like to lie down on the table? Would you like me to lie down on the table? - Is there something going on here? - Do you feel it too? - Hi.
- How did your doctor's appointment go? Let's see, they gave me "cute boy" doctor today.
In the middle of the exam, I put my pinkie in his dimple.
- Oh, my God! - Why did you do that? Remember my problem during my fourth month of pregnancy? Oh, yeah! The Evander Holyfield phase.
Man! You were so hard up, you practically came on to me.
You wish.
I could have had you if I wanted you.
Oh, yeah? Come and get it.
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