Great Great.
!!! Just gimme a second tochange the film.
I know I'm not supposed to know, but I do and I'm so excited.
- What's going on? - Monica's pregnant.
My God, Is that why you guys had to get married? - I'm not pregnant! - Ah, slow swimmers? - You're not pregnant? - Did you tell anybody I was? No.
I'll be right back.
I'll shoot Monica and the bloody soldier.
- You gotta change before the party.
- I don't have any other clothes.
Find anything that doesn't say, "I died tragically in France.
" Let's see the bride and groom, and the bridesmaids.
- Why did you say you're not pregnant? - 'Cause I'm not.
We found your test in the trash.
If you're not pregnant it's because I am.
- What are you talking about? - I am with child.
I didn't say anything because it's your day.
So you told people I was pregnant? Does this look like a moment to remember? - Who's the father? - I can't say.
- Why not? - I can't say because he's famous.
Oh, my God, who is it? Come on, you have to tell us.
- Okay.
It's James Brolin.
- James Brolin is the father.
- Barbra Streisand's husband? What? He never said that to me.
The One After 'I Do' mrnch@dh.
mk Subtitle Editor (c) Digital Higherground - Igor Janevski, 2004 Let's get Chandler and the bridesmaids.
- How about just the bridesmaids? - You know, I am the groom.
- Oh, my God! - Thank you for doing that! - You said Monica was pregnant.
- You did, I just didn't disagree.
Sneaky! Smile, ladies! - By the way, James Brolin? - I know.
I could only think of two names: Him and Ed Begley Jr.
Then I remembered he's gay, so - Ed Begley Jr.
Is not gay.
- Really? Thank you very much.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you: Mr.
And Mrs.
Chandler Bing! - Before we go, I got a present.
- I won't put my hand in your pocket.
I've been taking dancing lessons.
I wanted this to be memorable.
That is so sweet! So will you join me in our first dance as husband and wife? - What is it? - These new shoes are all slippery.
- Will you be able to do this? - Not well.
Good news! I don't think anyone's looking.
- Are you ready to talk about it? - No.
Now? No! Okay, we'll talk about something else.
Who's the father? I haven't told him yet, so I don't think I should tell anybody else.
That's fair.
Is it Tag? I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Is it Ross? - Oh, my God, it's Joey! - Stop it.
I'm not telling you until I tell him.
At least we know it's a him.
- Oh, sweet Lord.
- I'm sorry, okay? It was either this or a bathrobe.
What's more important? My clothes, or being here today? I'm not even going to pretend to be listening.
I don't think we met.
I'm Ross, Monica's brother.
Hi, I'm Mona from her restaurant.
Hello, "Mona from her restaurant.
" - Mona.
What a beautiful name.
- I always kind of hated it.
Come on! Mona Lisa? Mona Klegglachen? The famous botanist.
She's Well, she's dead now.
But she was once the hottie of the plant world.
- I never knew about her.
- Linda Klegglachen So, what table are you at? Me too.
There will be someone who likes my name.
Yes, there will.
Guess what, Molly Gilbert.
You've just been bumped up to table one.
If it's all right with you, I'll take your place at table six.
Martin Klegglachen! That's better.
Bend your arms, look straight ahead.
This time, really put your ass into it.
Look, my date has arrived.
I want you to meet Dennis Phillips.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
Dennis is a dear old friend.
And a fantastic lover.
Bravo, Dennis, thanks for pleasing my mother so.
I missed the ceremony because I was at auditions.
Dennis is directing a Broadway show.
I don't believe we've met.
I've admired your work for years.
Thank you.
Excuse me, I'll get myself a drink.
I'll be back in a moment.
- Dennis Phillips! How did you meet? - It's a funny story.
Funny "ha-ha," or funny? Thank you.
If you'll take your seats, dinner will be served.
- I thought you were at table six.
- No.
When you showed it to me, you held it that way which was misleading.
Can you see if your mom can give my resume to Dennis Phillips? If I got a Broadway show, I would've done it all: Film, television and theater.
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