How was your date? -Pretty good.
-Oh, good.
My God.
Sorry about that.
Okay, really good.
I gotta go.
I'm late.
You're going to leave her with me? Don't worry, she's a terrific girl.
Can you do me a favor? Could you mention I'm not looking for a relationship? That'd be great.
What, are you kidding? Just casually slip it in, you know.
Lay the groundwork.
Tell her I'm a loner.
No, an outlaw.
She doesn't want to get mixed up with the likes of me.
That's a lot to remember.
Can't I tell her that you're a pig? I'm gonna call her later myself.
Chandler used to do it.
He'd make her pancakes.
Plus he'd make extras and leave them for me.
I'm not telling her anything.
It's not my responsibility.
Now, where did we land on those pancakes? -Hi.
Sorry, but I couldn't get that lock to work.
Yeah, Joey kind of disabled it when I moved in.
-You must be Rachel.
I'm Erin.
I don't mean this to sound like high school, but did he talk about me? Would you like some pancakes? The One with Ross' Library Book Gelula/SDI -Come on.
Why are we here? -Okay, okay, take a guess.
The hot chicks? Okay, okay, I was typing names into the library computer earlier.
you know, for fun.
And I typed mine in, and guess what came up? My doctoral dissertation.
It's right down here in the biggest library in the university.
Wow, that's actually pretty cool.
There's also a book here by a woman named Wendy Bagina.
What is that? Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey decimal system.
We're so sorry.
You didn't bring me here to do that, did you? She sent the chicken back again? She said it's too dry now and wants to explain to you how she wants it.
I'd like to meet this chicken expert.
Send the colonel in.
Oh, my God! Lucky bastard.
-How are you.
Hotshot-Chef-at-the-Big-Fancy- Restaurant-With-the-Best-Chicken-Ever? I'm fine.
Oh, what is that on your finger? I'm blind.
So who's the lucky guy? Oh, my God.
I am so sorry, sweetie.
Are you okay? You didn't tell her we're engaged? -She saw the ring.
-Did she freak out? She was shocked, but then again, so were most people.
She actually has a boyfriend herself.
Name's Clark.
She also invited herself to our wedding.
Clark too.
You said no, right? You said no, right? She cornered me.
She asked me if the wedding was in town.
-What was I supposed to do? -Lie.
How hard is that? "Your check's in the mail.
" "Oh, your baby's so cute.
" "I can't wait to read your book, Ross.
" So she comes to the wedding.
Maybe it won't be so bad.
Think she'll sit quietly? Think she'll want to make a toast? You don't think she'll want to sing "Part-Time Lover"? Oh, my God.
She's not gonna like the chicken either, is she? You know what? It'll be okay.
She's probably not gonna even want to come.
-Really? -No, that was a lie.
See how easy that was? So you would have just lied? Yes.
-It would have really been that easy? -Yes.
Do it Saturday.
We're having dinner with her and Clark.
Hey, what's up? Hey, who's your friend? -Hey, Joey.
You're still here.
We ended up spending the day together and had such a great time.
Why wouldn't you? Erin is great.
And then there's you guys.
Well, listen, I better get going.
Today was great.
And Joey, last night was fun.
I'll call you.
-I'll call you too.
-Or I'll call you.
-And call me.
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