Do you realize this is the last time we'll be here as six single people? What's happening to the coffeehouse? From now on, it's you four and me and the missus.
The little woman.
The wife.
The old ball and chain.
- Old? - The young, hot ball and chain.
- Much better.
- We gotta go.
- Where? - Get the dress and lunch with mom.
Joey, you too? I just heard "lunch.
" Yeah, I can go.
Actually, I'm glad they're leaving.
I need to talk to you about something.
- What's up? - This may be a little awkward.
If you need money, it's a bad time.
I'm buying 128 dinners tomorrow.
No, it's not that.
I'm not gonna say this as your friend but as Monica's older brother.
- But you're still my friend? - Not for a few minutes.
- Right now, are you still my best man? - No.
Do I still call you Ross? You guys are getting married, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
But as her older brother, I have to tell you this: If you ever hurt my little sister if you ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind I will hunt you down and kick your ass.
What? I'm serious.
- Dude! Stop it! I'm not kidding.
- I hear what you're saying and thanks for the warning.
No problem.
Are we friends again? Yeah.
You won't believe what Monica's brother just said to me! The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding What you doing, Mon? I'm listing things that could go wrong at the wedding.
So I can be prepared.
- What are they? - "The dresses won't get picked up veil gets lost, and I'm missing something blue.
" I'm responsible for all those.
I had to go with the odds.
Remember I didn't get that part? The commercial? That play? That other play? - The movie? - Yes! The one about the dog who flies planes? No.
But man, that one hurt.
- This is the one about WWI soldiers.
- Oh, yeah.
Back then we called it "The Great War.
" It really was.
A guy they wanted backed out! I start shooting today! Congratulations! - Today's the dinner.
- I'll be done by then.
Then way to go, you big movie star! See you.
I'm off to fight the Nazis.
Wait, Joey.
We fought the Nazis in WWII, not WWI.
Who was in WWI? Go ahead.
You're gonna be late! Go! Go! Who did we fight in WWI? - Mexico? - Yes.
Very good.
- Hey, Joey.
We're ready.
- Yeah, me too.
Richard, we're ready for you.
Joey Tribbiani, Richard Crosby is playing Vincent.
- I'm acting with you? - Nice to meet you.
I can't believe this.
You just won an Oscar.
No, I didn't.
I think you did.
I think I lost, three times.
- Cookie? Would you? - No.
We're about an hour away from getting the scene lit.
- Can you guys run it a couple times? - Yeah, sure.
All right.
Let's do it.
And action! - We have to find the platoon! - Forget it, the platoon is gone! - What? - Platoon's dead! Face facts, Tony! What'll we do? We have no reinforcements or food.
There's food in the basement.
Potatoes and some pasta.
Hang on.
Joey, you keep touching your face.
Something wrong? No.
I thought it might be a cool character thing.
He's a face toucher.
I don't think so.
Let's take it back to Richard's last lines.
Action! No weapons, but we still have food.
Potatoes, pasta and a few tins of tuna! Honey, we gotta go! Here's a question you never want to ask: Can my dad borrow one of your pearl necklaces? Did he say what kind of neckline he's wearing? No.
I just met him once, but I'm guessing plunging? He is more of a if-you've-got-it- flaunt-it kind of father.
Let me see if Rachel has anything.
Yes, include more people.
Do you realize that tomorrow we're gonna be getting married? I have a date tomorrow night.
- I can't believe we made it.
- Don't sound so surprised.
I'm sorry, but .
- Nothing.
- What? Well, honestly? Ever since we got engaged I've waited for you to flip out.
Honestly? Me too.
- Really? - Yeah.
I think that something will come up and I'll go all Chandler.
- But nothing has.
- I'm so glad.
Thank you for staying so calm during this.
It's made me stay calm.
I could've been worse.
I'll be right there.
Before Saturday, you've reached Monica and Chandler.
But if you're calling after Saturday, you've reached Mr.
And Mrs.
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