- Hey.
- Hey.
I saw the Porsche parked out front.
Can I get the keys? I'll take that bad boy for a spin.
Ross drives it? When I ask, you say you're the only one allowed to.
He's my brother, plus he drives so slow he couldn't hurt it.
It's a car, Monica, not a rocket ship.
Just replace the bulbs in the brake lights after you're done.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Saw the Porsche.
Looking good.
When can I take it out again? - You let Joey drive it? - I've never driven it.
Not once.
Okay, once.
Okay, I drive it all the time.
So much for the "you-can-drive-it but-don't-tell-Rachel" plan.
Wow, I can't believe you lied to me.
I can fix this.
Monica, Rachel thinks all you talk about is the wedding.
I won't let you drive the Porsche because you're a terrible driver.
That wasn't about the wedding.
If you want a ride in the Porsche, I'll take you around the block.
You got a couple hours? The One With Chandler's Dad Whew, that was a brisk ride.
- Take the top down, did you? - Only way to fly.
Give me the keys.
Monica's wrong.
I'm an excellent driver.
You're fast and irresponsible.
That adds up to a bad driver.
In high school, that added up to head cheerleader.
Did you see how she looked at me? She must've seen me cruising in the bad boy.
- She's checking out your beehive.
- What? - Give me a brush.
- The keys.
- No way! - Well, no brush.
It doesn't matter.
If I remember correctly, there's a comb on the floor of the bathroom.
We still haven't gotten an RSVP from your dad.
Oh, right.
Maybe that's because I didn't send him an invitation.
He's your father.
He should be at our wedding.
I don't even know him.
I haven't seen him in years.
And when he finds out he wasn't asked? We don't run in the same circles.
I hang out with you guys and he stars in a drag show in Vegas.
I think I want to trade circles.
You don't want him there.
Nobody will stare at the bride when the groom's father's wearing a backless dress.
As long as he's not wearing a white dress and veil, I don't care.
I think I need to do some shopping.
My God! - What do you think you're doing? - Just washing the windshield.
There's no way I'll let you drive this car.
Just hand over the keys.
Oh! Do not start this car.
Okay, okay.
I will give you 20 bucks if you get out of this car right now.
Hey! Look.
If you're so freaked out, get in the car.
With you? Yeah, right.
All right.
Okay, okay, okay.
- What are you doing? Get in front.
- In the death seat?! - Hey, guys.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Ready to go? - My purse is at Mon's.
I'll be back.
- Wait a minute.
- What? Oh.
That one kept going.
So, you and Phoebe, huh? - How long have you been going out? - A month.
We ought to get to know each other better.
- Sure.
I'd like that.
- Yeah.
So, uh .
What's your name? - It's Jake.
- Joey.
- Do you like the Knicks? - Yeah, big fan.
Me too.
There's a game Tuesday.
Do you want to go? Great! Let me make sure I'm not doing anything Tuesday.
- What's this? - Your suitcase.
We're going to Vegas.
Are you serious? Eloping? No more stupid wedding stuff.
No more these flowers, these flowers.
Think of the money we'll save.
We're not eloping.
Can our wedding be bigger, please? We're going to see your dad.
I want to get to know my father-in-law.
When we went over this, I won.
No, you didn't.
Honey, just so you know .
Now that you're marrying me, you don't get to win anymore.
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