Who wants French toast? -I'll have some.
Me too.
Eggs and milk in the fridge.
-What's the matter? -My hand feels weird.
I guess it's because I'm engaged! -When will that start getting annoying? -Start? Let's start the wedding plans.
-Already? We got a lot to do.
We gotta think about the flowers, the music-- -I have thoughts on the music.
-Too many cooks.
Take it from me.
All you have to do is show up and say the right name.
-What in God's name is that? -Oh, my God, the wedding book? I haven't seen that since 4th grade.
This baby has everything.
Take, you know, locations for instance: First organized alphabetically, then geographically.
then by square footage.
That is so smart.
Break it off.
Break it off, now.
The One With Rachel's Book Gelula/SDI That conclusively proves.
that I had the idea for Jurassic Park first.
Let's take a look-- Phoebe, what are you doing here? I need to talk to you.
It's urgent.
It's about Monica and Chandler.
Oh, my God.
Of course.
Would you please excuse me for a moment? Do you know each other's hometowns? Why don't you.
? What's going on? Well, not much.
I was just thinking that since they just got engaged.
it would be nice if they have privacy.
So could I just move in with you for a couple days? Okay, sure.
But what's wrong with Monica and Chandler? Nothing.
Why? Phoebe, you said it was urgent.
Yeah, it is.
My movie starts in five minutes.
Do you realize I have a classroom full of students? Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm so rude.
Does anyone want to come to the movie? I haven't cleared the budget with my parents.
but tell me how this is for music.
A string quartet for the processional, a jazz trio for cocktails.
the Bay City Rollers for dancing.
Wait, that was for my 6th grade wedding.
You couldn't get them anyway.
Ian doesn't play anymore, and Derek.
Derek is a name I shouldn't know.
Mon, do you have another pillow, something a little snugglier? Why are you napping here instead of at your place? -The duck.
-What, the duck? What the hell did the damn duck do now? Well, he did not get sick somewhere in there.
and it was immediately found and properly cleaned up.
Do I get to look at this book.
or is it just for people involved in the wedding? Of course you can look at it.
I want your opinion.
Here you go.
-What about centerpieces? -Centerpieces! -Roses or lilies? -Definitely roses.
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