Oh, hey! How was your audition? I'm sorry, do I know you? What are you doing? Practicing blowing you off.
I'm gonna be a big movie star! You got it? - Not yet, but the audition went great! - What's it for? A big-budget period movie about three Italian brothers who come to America at the turn of the century.
It's classy.
The director's supposed to be the next-next Martin Scorsese.
The "next-next"? A guy from Chicago's supposed to be the next Martin Scorsese.
This guy's right after him.
Hello? Joey, it's Estelle.
I just talked to the casting people.
They loved you! They loved me! They want to see you again tomorrow.
- My God! -There's just one thing.
Do you have a problem with full-frontal nudity? Are you kidding me? I never rent a movie without it! Oh.
Okay, let me call you back.
- What's the matter? - They want me naked in the movie.
- Wow! - I know.
- My grandmother's gonna see this.
- Grandma's gonna have to get in line.
The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin The wedding's so close.
Are you nervous? Yeah, but I also can't wait till it's over.
We have a pact not to have sex again until the wedding.
A "no sex" pact, huh? I have one of those with every woman in America.
Will you give me a hand making up the guest bedroom? Cousin Cassie's staying with us for a few days.
Cassie? I haven't seen her in, like, forever.
I wonder if she still carries a Barbie everywhere? - She's 25 years old.
- So? I still You're probably right.
Pheebs, can I talk to you over here for a second? Subtle, guys.
What? I know you're planning my surprise bridal shower.
Okay, well, don't ruin it.
Just play along, at least.
We have to throw her a shower? What'd you decide to do about the movie? I don't know.
It's not like it's porn.
This is a serious, legitimate movie.
Nudity's really important to the story.
That's what you say about porn.
Maybe I shouldn't go on the callback.
No, you should.
A lot of major actors do nude scenes.
The chance to star in a movie? Come on! That's true.
And I'm only naked in one scene.
It sounds really great.
My character's Catholic.
He falls in love with a Jewish girl.
We run away and get caught in a big rainstorm.
We go into a barn, undress each other and hold each other.
It's really sweet and tender.
Plus, everyone will see your thing! When can we have this shower? She has so much going on, we have only two options.
- We have Friday.
- That's just two days away.
- What is the other option? - Yesterday.
If we make it yesterday, we're done! It's impossible.
We can't do this by Friday.
We have to find a place, invite people, get food.
There's too much to do.
- We cannot do it! - Calm down! Okay.
I'm sorry, you're right.
I'm sorry.
Just calm down, woman! Phoebe, I already did.
All right, then I need to calm down.
I think we can do this if we just get organized.
We have two days to plan this party.
We need to make fast decisions.
Where will we have it? - Here.
What time? - 4:00.
Food? - Finger sandwiches and tea.
- Great! Very Monica.
- And chili! - You went one too far.
- Flowers or balloons? - Both.
- We're paying for this.
- Neither.
- What should we do for a theme? - Lusts of the Flesh! - What? - I don't know.
Cowboy theme? I'm glad we decided not to sleep together before the wedding.
Oh, boy.
Me too.
I was thinking, say we had a big fight, and broke up for a few hours.
Technically, we could have sex again.
What do you think, bossy and domineering? The wedding's off, sloppy and immature.
That's me.
Come on.
Cassie's in the guest room.
We're going to lunch.
Get rid of her, obsessive and shrill! Shrill? The wedding is back on.
I thought I heard voices.
You must be Chandler.
- Hi.
Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
- So, ready to go? - Yeah.
- Chandler? - I'll be right with you.
- Cassie needs to stay at your place.
- Why? Because "Pervie Perverson" here can't stop staring at her.
Chandler, she's our cousin! I wasn't staring.
I was listening intently.
It's called being a good conversationalist.
Say something.
You were staring about eight inches south of there.
She can stay at my place.
老友记 Friends摩登家庭 Modern Family绝望主妇 Desperate Housewives破产姐妹 2 Broke Girls权利的游戏 Game of Thrones黑镜 Black Mirror爱,死亡和机器人 Love, Death & Robots杀死伊芙 Killing Eve第二十二条军规 Catch-22神盾局特工 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.豆瓣高分英文剧
瑞克和莫蒂 Rick and Morty老友记 Friends火线 The Wire怪诞小镇 Gravity Falls探险活宝 Adventure Time with Finn and Jake无耻之徒(美版) Shameless飞出个未来 Futurama欢乐一家亲 Frasier 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains兄弟连 Band of Brothers飞哥与小佛 Phineas and Ferb风骚律师 Better Call Saul少年正义联盟 Young Justice亿万 Billions咱们裸熊 We Bare Bears副总统 Veep鬼屋欢乐送 Ghosts伦敦生活 Fleabag绅士杰克 Gentleman公关 Flack梅尔罗斯 Patrick MelroseCopyright © 2021 TaiCiShe.com 版权所有。 联系我们