The caterer sent me this list of 12 appetizers.
I have to narrow it to 6.
Food? Oh, give me.
Did Monica mention we're trying to get The Swing Kings to play the wedding? You're into swing music? I used to go all over town listening to bands.
- Chandler? - Gap commercial.
- Did you book them? Did you call? - I will.
- You want me to call? - I'll do it.
You stick to your job.
- What is your job? - Staying out of the way.
This is impossible.
Why don't you just pick all 15? - There were only 12.
- Oh, yeah, I added 3.
What are "peanut-butter fingers"? The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress Well, hello.
She's cute.
Should we go talk to her? Sure.
Being engaged, I'm not nervous to talk to pretty girls anymore.
Could you guys help me? Yeah, let me get that for you.
- It's really heavy.
- I got it.
So hi, I'm Ross, and this is my friend, Chandler.
I'm Kristen.
Are you new to the area? I'd love to show you around sometime.
I actually just moved from four blocks over.
But this block is like another world.
Actually, it does have a very interesting history.
This street is the first in the city to have an underground sewer system.
Before that, sewage and waste would just flow right down the street.
Sometimes ankle-deep.
Excuse me? You're gonna be starving after moving.
What do you say I take you to dinner? - I'd like that.
- Great.
Let me take this up.
- After you.
- Oh, no.
After you.
Oh, my God! Am I crazy, or does this totally go? Oh, my God! You look so beautiful! Thank you, Rachel.
But look at Monica! This is it.
Yeah, this is the one.
I can't believe I found it.
Wow, you look so beautiful.
If I knew you, I'd cry.
I'm Monica Geller.
Ball like a baby.
I'm Megan Bailey.
- Have you found your dress? - These dresses are amazing but I couldn't afford one.
- I can't either.
I'm here to figure out the one I want, then I'll get it at Kleinman's.
They're having a huge sale.
- Thanks for the tip.
- When are you getting married? - I'm not.
I just like to try them on.
- I do the same thing.
I'm just kidding.
I'm getting married July 25th.
I'm just kidding too.
I'm getting married in December.
- When are you getting married? - May 15th.
It's close.
Who's your photographer? - Jeffrey.
- We met with him.
- Did he show you nude wedding photos? - The Best Man? Wow! I know.
I almost called off my wedding.
- Who's your band? - My fiancé wants The Swing Kings.
You're lucky.
My fiancé wants the heavy metal band, Carcass.
Is that spelled with a "C" or a "K"? It doesn't matter, they're both great! Oh, don't buy that here.
Now that you know what you want, go to Kleinman's.
This place is so overpriced.
I own this store.
So does this come in another color, or .
You moving in or moving out? - Moving in.
- Can I help out? Okay, but be careful.
The guy who was helping before hurt his back.
- Boyfriend? - No.
I'm Joey.
What a beautiful name.
What is it again? Kristen.
- You live around here? - Right down there.
Let me give you a tip.
Don't take a nap on this stoop.
You could wake up without shoes.
I'll remember that.
Listen, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I have plans tonight.
How about tomorrow? Sounds great.
Well, where does this go? You look strong.
Why don't you grab one of the boxes.
Yeah, I'll get this one.
So this is Brooklyn? Listen up.
There's only one dress in each size.
So when they open those doors, fan out.
This is what you're looking for.
Memorize it.
When you locate the dress, blow on these, all right? Three sharp blasts.
When you hear it, come running.
Here he comes! - They're pushing! - Don't be a baby! - Out of the way! - Let's go! Rachel?! Come on! No, not it.
Not it.
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