I just got reservations at Michelle's and tickets to The Music Man to celebrate our first holiday as a betrothed couple.
- "Betrothed.
" - Betrothed couple.
Pheebs? Skull? Yeah, it's my mom's.
Oh, my God! No, no, no.
It's not my mom.
It belonged to my mom.
She used to put it out every Christmas to remind us that even though it's Christmas, people still die.
And you can put candy in it.
Licorice? Sure.
- I get Ben for the holidays this year.
- That's great! - Are you gonna dress up as Santa? - Nope.
I know Susan does every year.
I want to take this year to teach him about Hanukkah.
And maybe I could teach Ben about the Christmas skull and how people die.
You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.
- Did you know he was in there? - No.
- How long have we been home? - About half an hour.
The One With The Holiday Armadillo You know what I was thinking? When we get married, will you change your name to "Bing"? No.
Why not? Bing's weird.
Oh, hey, you guys.
My landlord just called.
My apartment's gonna be ready soon.
I guess I'll be moving out.
Phoebe, I'm gonna miss you.
Yes, you will be very sad.
- I gotta go tell Rachel the good news.
- You'll be living together again? - Why not? - She's having so much fun with Joey I assumed she'd still be living with him.
Why do you think she's having so much fun? No reason, except she told me.
She said she didn't want to live with me? No.
No, she didn't say that.
I think you should talk to Monica now.
Phoebe, I'm sure she wants to live with you.
You're absolutely sure? No, but I'll bet she probably does.
Oh, probably? I don't like that word.
I know what "probably" really means.
Yeah, yeah.
"Oh, your mom probably won't kill herself.
" I'm sorry, but I'm not hanging my hopes of Rachel and I living together on "probably.
" You gotta take care of yourself in this world.
History teaches us nothing.
Bing doesn't seem so weird now, does it? You're home.
Guess what Phoebe got me for Christmas? - Drums? - No, drums! Could we get two burritos to go, please? I'm sorry.
But not that sorry, you don't have to live with it.
We have a reservation under Bing.
Okay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes.
We have tickets to The Music Man at 8.
I'm sorry.
Christmas is a very busy time, sir.
Is this because of the burrito thing? - You need to give him money.
- It was a joke! To get a table.
Places like this are always shaking you down.
- Everybody wants a payoff.
- All right, calm down, O'Malley.
- I'll slip him some money.
- But you've got to be smooth.
Hey, I can be smooth.
We're in a hurry.
If you could get us a table a bit quicker, I'd appreciate it.
- Of course, sir.
- Okay.
- How'd it go? - Had the money in the wrong hand.
You don't feel like you're gonna throw up? - No.
Well, I do.
So let's .
So, Ben, you .
You know what holiday is coming up? Christmas.
Yeah, and you know what other holiday is coming up? Christmas Eve.
Yes, but also .
Hanukkah! See, you're part Jewish and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday.
Santa has reindeers that can fly.
Right, but on Hanukkah Hanukkah is a celebration of a miracle.
Years and years ago there were these people called the Maccabees.
Okay, that's right.
Yes but on Hanukkah, we sing: Okay, it's not a contest.
When is Santa coming? How about this year, instead of Santa we have fun celebrating Hanukkah? No Santa? Was I bad? No, no, no, you weren't bad.
You've been very good, Ben.
- Santa's mad at me.
- No, hey, hey, come on.
Ben, Santa is not mad at you, okay? You're his favorite little guy.
So Santa's coming? Yes! Santa's coming.
It's easy.
Just keep it casual.
Shake his hand and give him the money.
- How do you know so much about this? - I don't know.
Richard used to do it, didn't he? We'd be eating our soup right now.
Mustached bastard.
Those people just left.
Come on.
Quick, give him the money.
Excuse me.
So you like the drums.
That's great.
I was worried that they would create maybe an unbearable living situation.
But, okay, well, apparently not.
So, yay! Hey, we already learned a song.
Ready? One, two, three, four.
Tequila! That's fun.
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