What? What did you-- What? I still love you.
I know I shouldn't even be here telling you this.
You're with Chandler, who I really like.
You say he's straight, I'll believe you.
After seeing you, I knew if I didn't tell you I'd always regret it.
Letting you go was the stupidest thing I ever did.
You're really not supposed to be back here.
I'm sorry.
I know this is the wrong time and the wrong place.
but I had to tell you.
I want to spend my life with you and marry you.
I want to have kids with you.
Why don't they put chairs back here? I know this is crazy, but am I too late? Yes, you're too late.
Where was all this three years ago? I know.
I was an idiot.
And I tried to forget you.
I really did.
After we had lunch last year, I spent six months in Africa trying to forget.
-What were you doing in Africa? -Working with blind kids.
What are you doing to me? Look, l.
I'm sorry, but it's not gonna happen.
That's fine.
I'll walk away.
And I'll never bother you again.
Only if you tell me Chandler's willing to give you everything I am.
Well, he is.
I mean.
marriage is all he talks about.
In fact, I'm the one making him wait.
You are? Why? Why? Because of the government.
The One With The Proposal - Part 2 Gelula/SDI Isn't it incredible? Monica and Chandler are getting married.
I know.
They'll be so happy together.
Two best friends in love.
How often does that happen? -Not that often.
I'm so happy for them.
Me too.
So happy for them.
I'm so happy and not at all jealous.
Oh, no! God, definitely not jealous.
I'm probably 98% happy and maybe 2% jealous.
What's 2%? That's nothing.
-I'm like 90-1 0.
Me too.
Have you guys seen Chandler? No.
But you know who was looking for you? Tenille.
So that marriage stuff you were saying yesterday? -You don't really believe that.
-Sure, I do.
In fact, I think the whole concept of marriage is unnatural.
Look at pigs.
Let's take a second here and look at pigs.
Pigs don't mate for life.
A pig can have 1 00 sexual partners in a lifetime.
And that's just an ordinary pig, not even a pig that's good at sports.
Wait a minute.
Are you telling me you may never want to get married? Never say never, but, probably.
yeah, never.
Oh, my God.
Then what are we even doing? What is this? Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is all this pressure? Is this some new strategy? Why don't you put down your copy of The Rules, huh, man-trap? You know what? I gotta go.
It's okay.
I got a plan.
-We're gonna find love.
Yeah, I'm pretty confident about that.
That's what makes it so easy to be -Would be nice to have a guarantee.
-What do you mean? Some people make deals with a friend.
Like if neither of them are married by 40, they marry each other.
-You mean a backup? -Exactly.
I've got that.
You do? -Who? -Joey? Joey? Are you serious? I locked him in years ago.
So if neither of you are married by 40, you'll marry Joey? Yep.
We shook on it.
But believe me, that is not how he wanted to seal the deal.
Seriously? I think his exact words were.
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